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Getting Started: Make a Change with ENERGY STAR!

Many people want to protect our environment, but don’t know where to start. Once you’ve joined the Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR campaign as a pledge driver take the next step and inspire people in your organization and in your community to take the ENERGY STAR Pledge. By participating in the campaign as a pledge driver, you are part of an important effort to change the world and can use the campaign tools and resources to:

  • Educate others about protecting our climate and saving energy
  • Measure and promote your savings from the pledge actions
  • Demonstrate your environmental commitment
  • Spread the word with downloadable communications materials

Thank you for helping promote the ENERGY STAR Pledge. With your leadership we can make a bigger difference in protecting our climate.

How to Get Involved in the Campaign Adobe Acrobat (95KB)

Materials to Get You Started

  • Change the World Graphics: Use these graphics to feature on printed materials.
  • Web Button: Download this button to help advertise your next ENERGY STAR event on your web-site or in e-mails, e-newsletters, and other online outlets.
  • Image Library: A photo library with information about the different images used in the Change the World campaign.
  • Key Messages Adobe Acrobat (143KB): Use in building communications about your involvement in the Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR campaign.
  • Sample Press Release MS Word: Communicate about your pledge driving efforts to the media.
  • Sample E-mail and Web text MS Word: Customize the e-mail template and send to members, employees and customers to encourage them to pledge, or use the text on your Web site to promote the pledge.
  • Sample Proclamations for Mayors MS Word and Governors MS Word: Declare October 6, 2011 Change a Light Day in your city or state.
  • Sample Newsletter MS Word: Invite employees or others to help you meet your pledge goal or to invite organizations to become pledge drivers.
  • Campaign Creative Guide Adobe Acrobat (361KB): Guidelines on use of campaign creative.
  • Event Toolkit— Find additional materials and messaging to support your next ENERGY STAR event.
  • Campaign Facts and Assumptions Adobe Acrobat (54KB)
  • Paper Pledge Form: E-mail changetheworld@energystar.gov for information on how to collect pledges on paper.
  • ENERGY STAR Holiday Gift Labels Adobe Acrobat (620KB): Spread the word this holiday season with printable ENERGY STAR gift labels.


  • Get ready for the new 2011-2012 campaign–kicking off on April 22, 2011! Sign up to make a change with ENERGY STAR and inspire others starting today!