
The integration of behavioral health and primary care services can be advanced through additional research. Thankfully, funding is available through both public and private entities to help advance the field.  Monitor the opportunities section page for information on research needs for the field and potential funding opportunities.

The integration of behavioral health and primary care services can be advanced through additional research. Thankfully, funding is available through both public and private entities to help advance the field.  Monitor this page for information on research needs for the field and potential funding opportunities.

This Research section reflects the growing body of evidence in support of integrating behavioral health and primary care and the need to build the evidence base. The Academy has gathered the research literature on integration and identified opportunities for future research to enhance the strong and growing evidence base.

Research offerings encompass the latest published literature and a compilation of grey literature in this emerging field. Grey literature covers the wealth of non-published resources like websites and dissertations. 

The literature includes key and foundational publications as well as data from the strong and growing research base of integration. If you are new to the field of integrating behavioral health and primary care, starting with the key and foundational publications might be helpful.

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