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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology: Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations


Research and Technology Roadmaps



Multiyear plans or roadmaps are employed as a tool to define research and technology agendas. Roadmaps often are comprised of both text and a series of integrated graphics that illustrate key strategies and milestones against a timeline. Roadmaps effectively translate abstract needs and concepts into concrete strategies that specify stakeholder interests and the resources necessary to make progress in a timely fashion. The typical Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) R&T roadmap includes the following elements:

  • Goals.

  • Objectives, initiatives, budgets, and performance measures--all tied to FHWA's overall mission and goals.

  • Research and innovative activities.

  • Resources necessary for deployment and implementation.

  • Roles and responsibilities.

  • Planned inputs and outputs.

  • Stakeholder participation opportunities.

  • Timelines with a 3-year minimum.


Roadmaps are useful in identifying specific barriers that are likely to be encountered during the various phases of the R&T development life cycle. Decision makers using the roadmaps are more likely then to be in a position to anticipate the types of "work around" strategies that may be needed to achieve agreed-upon goals and objectives within budget and on time.



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» Strategic Approach
In 2003, FHWA leadership accepted the challenge to "raise the bar" on R&T and adopted a strategic management framework developed with input from stakeholders. See Corporate Master Plan (CMP) for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (FHWA-RD-03-077)


Research and Development Links

» R&D Laboratories
» R&D Projects


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» Transportation Research Information Services
» TRB Research in Progress Search