Joint Force Headquarters was dedicated Oct 2, 2012. Adjutant General Judd Lyons address dignitaries and JFHQ staff at the ceremony. NEMA is housed in the new facility. NEMA Assistant Director Al Berndt, right, leads a tour of the State Emergency Operations Center at NEMA. Pictured from left, Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy, FEMA Regional Administrator Beth Freeman, State Senator Bill Avery, Adjutant General Judd Lyons, Sen. Ben Nelson, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry and Gov. Dave Heineman. Firefighters observe fire in north central Nebraska. Fire spreads in Dawes County. Dave Reisen and Earl Imler of NEMA brief Gov. Dave Heineman as NEMA's Brent Curtis observes. . Maj. Gen. Judd Lyons comments at a briefing with Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy in Crawford. Firefighters and command staff at a morning briefing at the Rushville Fire Station. The Wellnitz fire blows up in Sheridan County. Aftermath of the fire in Sheridan County. The smoke from fires in Dawes County gave the moon an orange hue in Chadron.

Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, 2433 N.W. 24th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68524-1801