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Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany


Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

Enabling Logistics Excellence  •
Risk Management Office

To report a mishap:     1.  Enterprise Safety Applications Management Systems (ESAMS)

                                    2.  Email us.........Risk Management

  To review the VPP F.A.Q.: 1. For Employees

                                              2. Additional FAQ for Maintenance Personnel

                                              3. For Supervisors

                                              4. For Directors and Executives

  To report a near miss: Near Miss Report

  To access to the ANSI standards click here

  CO's Most Recent Safety Council Briefing for:    FY16 1st  Quarter

                                                                               FY16 2nd Quarter

                                                                               FY16 3rd Quarter

                                                                               FY16 4th Quarter


To review the latest Base Order on Occupational Safety and Health (MCLBAO P5100.1L dtd 11 Jul 16), click HERE.


Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

Safety Information
Collapse All Expand All
MCO 6260.1E Marine Corps Hearing Conservation Program

For additional information, please call 5249.
Office Safety Primer

Introduction to Office Safety
Office Safety Topics

Office Safety Checklists

Checklist for Office Safety
Another Office Safety Checklist

For additional information, please call 639-5249
JHA Process
JHA Worksheet

For additional information, please call 639-5249
For additional information, please call 639-5610/5611
          1.  Duties and Responsibilities of Confined Entry Key Persons
          2.  Permit Required Confied Space (PRCS) Hazard Evaluation Form
          3.  Permit Required Confined Space Decision Flow Chart
          4.  Confined Space Program (MCLBAO 5100.12B)

For additional information, please call 639-5249

For additional information, please call 639-5249

        A.  Heat Illnes Prevention Program Information
            1.  Heat Stress
            2.  Commander's Guide for Heat
            3.  Army Heat Class Outline
            4.  Heat Injury Prevention Hip Pocket Guide
            5.  Heat Illness Prevention Program (B.O. 6200.1L)
            6.  Heat Flag Condition Automated LogBook Tool

       B.  Safety Grams
            1.  The Heat is On
            2.  Heat Illness Prevention
            3.  Preventing Heat-Related Illness
            4.  10 Ways to Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses
            5. Heat Illness Prevention Tips (May 2013)

For additional information, please call 639-5249

             Command Safety Program Goals

                  1.   Respiratory Protection Program (BO 5100.13C)

                  2.   Request for medical clearance for respirator use

                  3.   Respiratory Protection Training

                  4.   User Seal Check Procedures

                  5.   Worksite - Specific Respiratory Protection Plan

                  6.   Respirator Cleaning Procedures

                  7.   Respirator Selection

                  8.   Fit Test Form

                  9.   Voluntary Use of Respirators Form

 For additional information, please call extension 639-7049
          MCLBA VPP Brief
          Voluntary Protection Program Center of Excellence
          OSHA VPP Site
          Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement of a Voluntary Program Center of Excellence (VPP CX) Capability for Department of Defense
          Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association
          OSHA Instructions
          AFGE - Voluntary Protection Program Policy
          MCLB CO's Policy for Voluntary Protection Program
          2010 MCLB Albany National Safety Council Barometer Survey Results
          2011 MCLB Albany National Safety Council Barometer Survey Results
          2013 MCLB Albany National Safety Council Barometer Survey Results                                                                                                                                                                                                  2016 MCLB Albany National Safety Council Barometer Survey Results
School Bus and School Zone Safety (.pdf)
Poison Prevention
Playground Safety Checklist (.pdf)
Children's Safety Zone

Home Childcare Providers: for additional information call 639-5767

Applicable Marine Corps/Base Orders

Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations MCLBAO 5560.9E


Travel Risk Planning System (TRiPS)

  BO 5100.19 - MCLB Albany Driver Education Program 

  MCO 5110.1D - Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision

Driver Improvement Courses

   Driver Education Program

   Understanding the distracted Brain White Paper and White Paper Presentation 

    Alive at 25 registration form

    DODI 6055.4

Motorcycle Training Program

    Motorcycle Registration Form

    Motorcycle Training Schedule. For more information on course availability contact Will Womble at (229) 639-7050.

    Motorcycle PPE Requirements

    Motorcycle Inspection Checklist 


    Critter Crashes - How to avoid deer and other animals on a motorcycle

    Motorcycle Tips and Techniques

    Motorcycle Safety Foundation

The Motorcycle Safety Course is free. Active duty Marines Contact the TS/RODS Program Manager at 639-7050.

    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

    GA Department of Driver Services

For additional information, please call extension 639-5249.

Radiological Safety Affairs Program (MCLBAO 5104.3C dtd 21 Jan 14)

Radiological Safety Affairs Support Program Manual (NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010 REVISION 2 dtd Jan. 15)



Installation Radiation Safety Manager (IRSM):  William Young,     229-639-7272 (W), 229-759-2565 (H)

Assistant Radiation Safety Manager (ARSM):   Donna Chalmers, 229-639-6215 (W)

Bloodborne Pathogens Program Base Order (BO 6260.3A dtd 14 Jun 10)