Organization Information:

1010data Global Telecom Solutions LLC
230 Park Avenue 27th Floor
New York, New York- 10169
Phone: 646-300-8130
Fax: 212-405-1011

Organization Contact:

Contact Office: Global Telecommunication Solutions Group LLC
Name: Cody H.A.S. Vichinsky , Director
Phone: 646-300-8130
Fax: 212-405-1011

Corporate Officer:

Corporate Officer: Gregory Munves , Executive Vice President
Phone: 212-731-8381
Fax: 212-405-1011

Safe Harbor Information:

Original Certification: 8/15/2011
Next Certification: 8/15/2012

Personal Information Received from the EU/EEA and/or Switzerland:
1010data provides a cloud-based Big Data analytics platform for telecom, financial services, retail, consumer packaged goods and other industries. 1010data is an on-line service, that enables analysts to quickly access any amount of raw data to perform sophisticated analyses and gain insights. In respect to receiving person information from the EU/EEA and/or Switzerland, such organization's data will be uploaded on to 1010data’s secure, dedicated servers for the purpose of performing analytics and scalability of data storage
Privacy Policy Effective: 1/1/2000
Location: see link below
Privacy Policy
Regulated By: Federal Trade Commission

Privacy Programs:

Verification: In-house

Dispute Resolution:
Formal Policies: 1010data has developed and actively maintains a set of policies to address and investigate unresolved complaints and other violations to client's rights. These policies are in compliance with the principles set forth by Safe Harbor framework. These policies are made available to all employees, vendors, contractors, and board members as deemed necessary. As required by these and other human resources policies, employees are required to have an understanding and provide a certification that they agree and consent to abide by these policies. Furthermore, a security awareness training program has been developed and all employees who have an obligation to safeguard client information are required to participate in the program. Remedies for Violation: Sanctions shall be proportional and appropriate for the violation perpetrated by the employee(s). The severity shall be determined by the motivation, the intentionality of the action, the extent by which the action has affected the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of client data/complaints, as well as other pertinent and specific factors to be determined by the specific situation. The following is a list of possible, but not complete, remedies for a violation of 1010data’s policies, other breach of client requirements, or generally accepted ethical practices: • Verbal warning or reprimand • Reeducation or retraining on privacy and security • Formally documented letter of warning • Temporary or permanent reassignment of job responsibilities • Temporary suspension for employment • Termination of employment Reporting Violations: It is the responsibility of each employee, contractor, and board member to report any known or suspected breach of client’s rights, misuse of information, unauthorized disclosure, or other violation of 1010data’s policies. Any such violation should be reported to the human resources manager, a supervisor, and/or law enforcement as appropriate. In accordance with directions from legal counsel, certain violations may require reporting to regulators and or law enforcement. 1010data will comply with all reporting requirements. This may include reporting of data breaches, network attacks, criminal misuses, etc. In no case shall retaliatory action be taken against any individual(s) who reports a violation, files a complaint, participants in any hearing or legal proceedings, or otherwise opposes any illegal or unethical behavior. Monitoring: Senior management is responsible for monitoring and compliance with all laws and reporting requirements. 1010data has the burden of proof to demonstrate that any and all proper notifications have been provided and that any and all disclosures have been performed in accordance with legal reporting requirements.

Personal Data Covered: All PII is denatured prior to being sent to 1010data. No such data is manually processed.
Organization Human Resource Data Covered: No
Do You Agree to Cooperate and Comply with the EU and/or Swiss Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Relevant Countries from which Personal Information is Received:

Industry Sectors:
Financial Services - (FNS)
Telecommunications Services - (TES)
General Consumer Goods - (GCG)

Certification Status: Not Current
Compliance Status: