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Public Reading Facility

Photograph of the 
		Public Reading Facility The U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office maintains information relating to this nation's nuclear testing program, the Nevada National Security Site, environmental monitoring and restoration, and waste management. Much of this information is already publicly available through use of the Nuclear Testing Archive and the Public Reading Facility. The Nuclear Testing Archive maintains over 370,000 documents related to the United States' nuclear testing program, the Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films, as well as the complete collection of Human Radiation Experiments documents, available online in full text retrieval from the Office of Human Radiation Experiments.

As mandated by the FOIA, documents already in the public domain may be viewed at the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office Public Reading Facility, located at 755 East Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Requests can be made directly to the Public Reading Facility through the following:

U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Nevada Site Office
Nuclear Testing Archive, M/S 400
P.O. Box 98521
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521

Phone: 702-295-1628
Fax: 702-295-1624
Email: cic@nv.doe.gov

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Date Last Modified: April 26, 2012