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Mars Science Laboratory
Raw Images
Total: 45,669 Images

Last Updated: 02/16/2013 UTC
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Curiosity sends back raw images for current and prior Sols based on commands sent by the mission team. The rover uses orbiters to relay back a lot of its data, and maximizes each opportunity when they pass by overhead. Curiosity stores any data not transmitted onboard. The rover will send back this data on later Sols according to the mission team's science and engineering priorities. That means these pages update whenever data comes back. Images are filed in the Sol the rover took the picture, not the Sol on which the rover sent the image back to Earth. Check back frequently for more discoveries from Mars!

Black spaces typically mean partial data has arrived, but Curiosity will fill in the rest of the data as soon as possible.
The new (or updated) images are marked in orange.

Engineering Cameras
Front Hazard Avoidance Cameras (Front Hazcams)
Front Hazard Avoidance Cameras (Front Hazcams)
Rear Hazard Avoidance Cameras (Rear Hazcams)
Rear Hazard Avoidance Cameras (Rear Hazcams)
Left Navigation Camera (Navcams)
Left Navigation Camera (Navcams)
Right Navigation Cameras (Navcams)
Right Navigation Cameras (Navcams)

Science Cameras
Chemistry & Camera (ChemCam)
Chemistry & Camera (ChemCam)
Mast Camera (Mastcam)
Mast Camera (Mastcam)