<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> NIST Speech Group Website
Information Technology Lab, Information Access Division NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

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  • 2009 Language Recognition Evaluation

    The 2009 NIST Language Recognition evaluation (LRE09) is part of an ongoing series of evaluations of language recognition technology. LRE09 will be held in the summer of calendar year 2009. A detailed evaluation plan describing the evaluation task and the evaluation protocols is now available (LRE09_EvalPlan_v6.pdf, updated April 1, 2009).

    Sites planning to participate in the evaluation (including sites that are LDC members) must complete and sign the LDC license agreement and fax it to the LDC. Upon receiving the signed licenses, the LDC will send the sites the requested training data sets.

    To register for the evaluation, fill out the registration form and fax it to NIST.

    Results of the the LRE09 evaluation are now available on the Official LRE09 Results page.

    March 2 Development data sent to registered participants
    April 13 Registration for LRE09 closes
    May 4 Evaluation data arrives at participating sites
    May 19 Evaluation submissions due at NIST by 11:59 PM, EDT
    June 2 Preliminary results and answer key released to participants
    June 24-25 Evaluation Workshop

    In order to foster an environment where researchers can be comfortable speaking openly, the evaluation workshop will be restricted to evaluation participants and government representatives only.

    [ LRE Home ]



    Page Created: July 31, 2007
    Last Updated: August 11, 2009

    Multimodal Information Group is part of IAD and ITL
    NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce
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