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Former Worker Program (FWP)
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Construction Worker Screening Projects
Production Worker Screening Projects
Supplemental Screening Program
Beryllium Vendor Screening Program
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  Medical Screening
    - Conventional Medical Screening
    - Early Lung Cancer Detection
  Communicating Results
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Chronic Beryllium Disease Awareness
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Worker Testimonials
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Worker Testimonials

Former Worker Medical Screening Program (FWP)

"I'm glad I got tested because it gave me peace of mind that I had no serious health problems. Construction workers get exposed to so many different materials on job sites that you never know how you will be affected. I also was able to take care of a few minor things I wouldn't have known about."

Former Workers Tesimony

- Rick Hurrelbrink, Pipefitters Local 392, Fernald former worker

"I was having numbness and swelling in my legs. Dr. Frank's letter after my first exam recommended that I see my own doctor about this right away. My doctor found an abdominal aneurysm that was fixed with surgery. I feel so much better now, this saved my life."

- Pantex former worker

"A program employee was at a local supermarket when a past program participant called her over and asked her if she recognized him. "Don't you recognize me? Your Program saved my life, you know." The former worker continued to tell the employee that the program referred him to his personal physician because of a discrepancy in his physical exam. Turns out he had colon cancer and had just had his last chemotherapy treatment."

- Participant, Medical Exam Program for Former Workers from Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories

The NSSP [National Supplemental Screening Program] exam provided me with test results that I hadn't received from my regular physician. When I took my results letter in to my physician, they followed up with some additional tests and I was found to have iron deficiency anemia. My physician said that I was fortunate to have gone through the NSSP testing as this condition may not have been caught until much later. I am so grateful that the DOE and the NSSP provided me with this opportunity. I owe my health to this program."

- Kansas City Plant former worker

"I am a former contract worker from all three of the Laboratories in the East Bay and was anxious to be screened for potential exposures. My experience with the Medical Monitoring Program office was first rate from initial contact to the mailing of the final test results. All workers were helpful and very courteous. They were conscious of my time and were very accommodating. I was tested at Kaiser in Livermore and couldn't have been treated any better. I moved through the series of tests quickly and efficiently and had all of my questions answered along the way. The greatest experience of all was getting a clean bill of health after the battery of tests. I can't say enough about your program and would recommend it to all former workers. Thanks again."

- Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Sandia National Laboratories former worker

"This is a thank you statement to the WHPP [Worker Health Protection Program] program and especially to the early detection CT Scan. The scan revealed a lung nodule that turned out to be malignant and was removed while it was tiny with no further treatment needed. THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE."

Former Workers Tesimony

- Edna Brackey, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant former worker

"The Former Worker Program of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant has done a terrific job of following my health progress for approximately 9 years. I have been seen for beryllium disease, a lung condition I received while working at the plant for less than 2 months at the age of 18 years. Dr. Lar Fuortes is a very caring doctor, who has taken the time to explain and assist me through the process. I have been well cared for and treated with the utmost respect by Dr. Fuortes and his staff. I greatly appreciate the information and assistance this program has given me. Thank you!"

- Iowa Army Ammunition Plant former worker

Program Manager: Mary Fields

This page was last updated on February 07, 2013