Posts Tagged weight loss

Blogger Finds Possible Cure for Holiday Candy Addiction

By Elaine Wilson
Jan. 13, 2011

The holiday season has been dangerous for my waist line. I’ve pillaged stockings for candy, raided cabinets for leftover holiday treats and even, I admit with shame, snagged a few bites of the chocolate-chip cookies my kids so lovingly laid out for Santa.

I freely admit I’m a holiday candy addict, which is the first step to recovery, I hope. For years, I’ve been trying to resist the sweet treats that are so abundant during and after the holidays.

Unfortunately, as my jeans now indicate, it’s too late for me to resist the savory cookies and candies this year. So now, since I was unable to practice the art of willpower, I must shift into damage-control mode, which mainly involves purging my cabinets of unhealthy treats and hitting the treadmill a few extra times a week.

For our military members and their families who can relate to my weight-related woes, you’re fortunate to have some great healthy lifestyle tools at your disposal. Read the rest of this entry »

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