Webinars Offer Tips on Finances, Parenting

By Elaine Wilson
Jan. 4, 2010

Military OneSource will present a series of webinars this month designed to aid military families with everything from parenting and homework to money management and debt.

 Webinars are web-based training sessions using teleconference audio and the Internet to deliver an interactive seminar.

 I encourage our military families to check out these free workshops, which are open to anyone with access to Military OneSource. For more information on the webinars or to find out how to join one, visit Military OneSource’s webinar information page or call 1-800-342-9647.

 The following is the webinar schedule for January:

 – Help Your Kids with Homework and Finals: Tutor.com Benefits Overview on Jan. 11 at 11 a.m. and Jan. 12 at 7 p.m. EST.

 This seminar will offer information on how you and your children can get help with homework, studying, test preparation and more through the DOD’s Tutor.com for Military Families program. Attend this webinar to find out how to get free access, what subjects are available, how tutors can help and tips for using the online classroom.

 – New Year’s Strategies for Success on Jan. 18 at 11 a.m. EST

 In this seminar, a health coach from the Healthy Habits Health Coaching Program will share helpful tips and information about setting goals, overcoming potential barriers to success, using available resources and applying these strategies.

 – Dealing with Debt on Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. EST

 In this webinar, the Federal Trade Commission helps you learn how to build a better budget, deal with debt and know your rights when it comes to debt collection.

 – Couples and Money on Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. and Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. EST

 You’ll have the opportunity to assess how you and your partner handle money issues, explore your financial values, identify money “hot spots” and learn tips for avoiding money conflicts.

 – Developing Responsibility and Independence: Skills You Can Teach Children on Jan. 28 at 11 a.m. and Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. EST

 This session offers parents strategies for teaching their children to be dependable and accountable for their actions. Participants will be able to define responsibility and independence, identify areas of responsibility, strategize techniques for removing the barriers to responsible behavior and increase their confidence in their ability to raise responsible and independent children.

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  • http://www.tutor.com/military Jill from Tutor.com

    We’re excited about our upcoming Tutor.com webinars, too. We’ll be leaving time for Q&A, so be sure to bring your questions!

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