Computational Materials Science



For the summer of 2007, I worked as an intern and researched in the Computer Science and Mathematics division. My name is Jarrett Barnes and I have a concentration in mechanical engineering at Alabama A&M University(AAMU). Materials science is very important to the scientific world and general society. Everything is made up of some sort of material. Having a better understanding of how materials interact under different conditions can improve manufacturing and operations of goods and the services they provide. Large scale simulations of grain growth can help with obtaining this better understanding.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL) is a Research Facility of unimaginalble magnitude. The laboratory has been the birth place of many major discoveries and developments. In 1945, element #61(Promethium) was first produced at the laboratory. Messenger RNA was discovered and the first bone marrown transplant was demonstrated in 1956. In 1959, maleness was discovered to depend on the Y chromosome. These are just to name a few of the contributions the lab has made to society.

Even with all the developments to date, the laboratory is still pushing forward. Recently, the laboratory has added new buildings on the campus. With the addition of the Joint Institute for Computational Sciences(JICS), a new conference center, and Mouse House for animal research, it remains clear that the focus of this facility is to keep providing for the "Science Community" in everything it does.


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