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Security Perimeter

Protecting the Laboratory against the possibility of terrorist attacks.


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The security perimeter helps to protect the Laboratory

Vehicle Access Portal graphic

The security perimeter is intended to protect the Laboratory against the possibility of terrorist attacks.

At each point of the perimeter, access is controlled by vehicle access portals (VAPs) at the following locations:


  • All vehicles (private, commercial, and government) on Laboratory property are subject to random inspections by the Protective Force at any time.
  • A change in security condition may necessitate changes in Laboratory access with little or no notice. Road signs and the presence of Protective Force officers will alert drivers of such changes.

News: Security enhancements in effect

The National Nuclear Security Administration directed the Laboratory to increase its security effective December 21, 2012.

Until further notice, all vehicles entering government property will be required to stop at the East and West Jemez Road "Vehicle Access Portals" (VAPs). Pajarito Road remains open to government badge holders only.

During vehicle checks, drivers must show a picture identification (DOE badge or valid driver's license) before proceeding and will be asked to vouch for other vehicle occupants.

Random vehicle inspections

Everyone, including members of the public, who enter the Laboratory is subject to random vehicle inspections. 

Drivers notified of an inspection must move to the search area indicated by the Protective Force. An inspection team, including canine, will inspect the entire vehicle, including items being towed. Upon completion, drivers will either be given permission to proceed or their vehicles secured as necessary.

Anyone who refuses a search will be requested to turn around and will be routed through West Road or NM 4.

Explosive detection canine patrols

The parking areas or structures at the Laboratory will continue to have explosive detection canine patrols. If a canine detects a threat, the Protective Force as necessary will re-route traffic or cordon off the area until an explosives team determines it is safe for re-entry.

Random package inspections

Random package inspections will continue throughout the Laboratory. Workers are reminded to cooperate with and follow the instructions of the Protective Force. For details, refer to the Map of Post 10 Truck Inspection Station (pdf).

Pajarito corridor deliveries

Drivers of all non-government commercial delivery trucks, privately-owned RVs, large vehicles, etc. headed to the Pajarito Corridor (Pajarito Road bounded by NM Highway 4 and Diamond Drive) must stop at Post 10 for truck inspections. Drivers will then need to present time-stamped inspection passes from Post 10 to Protective Force officers stationed at the Pajarito Corridor.

(Drivers exiting Post 10 should turn right and proceed west on the Truck Route, turn left onto West Jemez Road, drive through Lane 7 of the VAPs (stop required), turn left onto Diamond Drive, and then turn left onto Pajarito Road.)

TA-16 explosive deliveries

No change in current practice.

All other deliveries

Drivers of commercial delivery trucks headed outside the Pajarito Corridor, to the SM30 Warehouse, and other Laboratory need to stop at Post 10 to obtain truck inspection passes. Drivers of such trucks may proceed to their final destination. For details, refer to the Map of Post 10 Truck Inspection Station (pdf).

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