Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorate

Call for Proposals

Announcing the Call for Proposals for the support of research projects involving the Exchange of Researchers under the Memorandum of Understanding for scientific cooperation between the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory-UT-Battelle, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The full Call for Proposals is located at this web link:

This Call for Proposals invites research proposals in the Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in the Tropics with special emphasis:

a) Tropical forest ecosystems response to environmental changes;
b) Ecosystems changes as benchmark of climatic process;
c) Large scale free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE);
d) Environment by design;
e) Bioenergy sustainability.

Any questions related to this Call for Research Proposals must be directed to Dr. Shaun Gleason, Director of Institutional Planning, E-mail: