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Improving the understanding, detection, and management of kidney disease.

Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease - Sodium (Fact Sheet)

What Is Sodium?

Sodium is a part of salt. Sodium is found in many canned, packaged, and "fast" foods. It is also found in many condiments, seasonings, and meats.

Why Is Sodium Important for People with CKD?

Eating less sodium helps lower blood pressure and may slow down CKD. Talk with your provider about the right blood pressure goal for you.

One of the kidneys' important jobs is to filter sodium out of the body and into the urine. Damaged kidneys cannot filter as well as healthy kidneys can. This can cause sodium to stay in your body and make your blood pressure go up.

How Much Sodium Should I Eat Every Day?

Most people need to eat less sodium than they are eating. Aim for less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day. Much of the sodium you eat does not come from a salt shaker. Sodium is added to the prepared foods you buy at the supermarket or at restaurants.

Foods Lower in Sodium:

Foods Higher in Sodium:

How Do I Lower the Sodium in My Diet?

An image of a food label showing that the serving size listed for the item is one cup, but the package contains two servings. If you eat two servings, the amount doubles. One serving of the item has 660 milligrams of sodium. This is 28% of the daily value for sodium.

Check the Ingredient Label for Added Sodium

Page last updated: February 6, 2013