Aaron Schock

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Schock Statement on Passage of Budget Control Act of 2011

Washington, Jul 29, 2011 -

Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed the Budget Control Act of 2011: 

“Today, the House passed another proposal that offers bipartisan agreed upon solutions to ensure our country meets its financial obligations as well as continues to reduce spending for this year and over the next decade. For years the government has not been accountable for the chronic overspending that has taken place. The Budget Control Act is a common-sense and responsible step toward the accountability that has been lacking in Washington.

“I don’t believe this plan is perfect. It doesn’t include everything I wanted to see, but it offers real solutions and the steps that are necessary to ensure spending controls are put in place so that we can rein in our national debt. The American people have had enough and, quite frankly, I share in that frustration. For years, the government has let itself go on a spending binge that has now surpassed over $1 trillion in deficit spending a year. This is an unsustainable path we can no longer continue down.

“I remain optimistic that our country will meet its obligations, but the simple truth is that spending discipline must be incorporated in any plan that involves raising the debt limit.”


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