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Gold Star Wives of America

Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.

President's Message

Jeanette Early
Gold Star Wives of America
National President 2012-2013

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It is apparent that Year 2013 is on a fast track as the previous year, because the month of January has already come and gone. As we progress through the swiftly moving days ahead, let us use our time wisely and constructively.  Let us continue to work together to move the Gold Star Wives organization to the cutting edge in support services, doing all things decently and in order.  Let us stay focused on the purposes of our organization and the needs and concerns of our members, looking out for each other.

February is the month for the“Stay-At-Home Tea” for Gold Star Wives.  It is our annual fund-raiser when all members are contacted and encouraged to make their most generous monetary contribution to support the operation and services of the organization.  Exciting changes, upgrades and enhancements are in progress for our Internet technology services that will benefit our members as well as others seeking resources to help with their immediate needs.  Our funded support will also defer expenses for members to represent GSW on Capitol Hill to educate our Congressmen on concerns and dire needs of our members.  We also look forward to presenting a charitable gift to an appropriate recipient at the GSW National Convention each year. I thank those of you who have already donated, and thanks to all of you whose contribution will be received within the next few days.

As we embrace each other and enjoy our tea, I would like to refer you to a link on line to which we have been invited by Sheryl Kurland, to honor widows on Valentine’s Day:  http://www.therelationshipinsider.com/blog/2013/01/on-this-valentines-day-honor-a-widow/.

President Obama’s Second Inagural AddressJanuary 2013, holds special memories from my attendance at the historic 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, DC, witnessing the grand and imposing Inauguration Swearing-in Ceremony of the 44th U.S. President Barack Obama, and Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr., to their second terms.Also included on my 3-day itinerary were the following Inaugural events hosted by Veterans Auxiliaries in honor of Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients: a Reception Saturday evening, hosted by Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW); Breakfast Sunday morning hosted by American Veterans (AMVETS); a Reception Sunday evening hosted by Disabled American Veterans (DAV); and Breakfast Monday morning hosted by Medal of Honor Recipients with Vice President and Doctor Bidenthe Retired Officers Association (ROA). I was honored to be invited to these events, and to be in the company of the most distinguished veterans who have received the nation’s highest award for valor in combat in the U.S. Armed Forces.





ROA Breakfast to Honor Medal of Honor Recipients.

The American Legion hosted the “Salute to Heroes” Inaugural Ball and Banquet which was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Washington Renaissance Hotel. It is reported that the majority of the living recipients of the Medal of Honor were in attendance at the American Legion Ball. Vice President and Mrs. Biden and family also attended the American Legion Ball. I was happy to greet several Gold Star Wives from the DC area in attendance at the American Legion Banquet and Ball. I enjoyed the camaraderie of the GSW’s from out-of-state as we attended the inaugural events together, including worship service on Sunday morning at the Washington National Cathedral.My accompanying Gold Star sisters were: Board Chair Debra Kraus (CA); North West Region President Maria Sutherland (AK); and National Historian Veronica Mora (OH).

Rep. Mike Coffman speaks with Jeanette Early, National President of the Gold Star Wives of America, during his visit to the Comitis Crisis Center in Aurora on January 10, 2013.Military Appreciation Day at the Colorado State Capitol in January was also impressive and well-attended.

We are approaching the busiest time of the year with immediate plans to install a new GSW Chapter in Colorado Springs, CO; Region Conferences in the spring; Memorial Day Ceremonies; and our annual convention that will bring each one of you to Denver to “Color Yourself Colorado.”Details of the Convention will be in the March 2013 GSW National Newsletter.



20701 E. Dartmouth Dr.
Aurora, CO 80013-8446
Phone:  303-617-7937
Email: jbearly-gsw@q.com


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