National Weather Service, Alaska - Pacific River Forecast Center National Oceanic Atmosphere Administration National Weather Service Headquarters
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StormReady Program
Text Products - Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center
Name Description Last Updated
FLOOD PRODUCTS Flood Warnings, Watches or Statements February 13 2013 13:15:01
FSAK48PACR Quantitative Precipitation Forecast November 14 2012 11:04:26
AGAK78PACR HydroMeteorological Discussion February 08 2013 13:31:25
SPRING BREAKUP OUTLOOK Spring Breakup Outlook April 20 2012 13:43:58
SRAK48PACR Breakup Summary June 01 2012 13:20:53
SRAK47PAJK River Forecast for Southeast Alaska October 31 2012 10:18:29
SRAK49PAFG_AFG River Forecast for Chena and Tanana Basins October 17 2012 12:17:02
SRAK49PAFG_YKN River Forecast for Northern and Western Alaska October 13 2012 13:11:03
SRAK48PAFC River Forecast for Southcentral and Southwest Alaska October 22 2012 14:58:20
FGAK88PACR Recreational River Forecast October 29 2012 11:00:10
FGAK57PAJK Daily River Summary - Juneau October 29 2012 11:00:19
FGAK59PAFG Daily River Summary - Fairbanks October 17 2012 15:31:59
FGAK58PAFC Daily River Summary - Anchorage October 22 2012 15:21:32
Graphical Products -- Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center
Name Description Last Updated
Graphical HydroMet Discussion Current Hydro and Meteorological Conditions February 13 2013 12:50:02
Graphical Breakup Summary Page of Graphical Breakup, Ice and Snow Maps February 13 2013 12:50:01
Breakup Map Daily Breakup Map (Issued Late April-June) June 01 2012 14:52:53
Spring Flood Potential Map Spring Flood Potential Map April 20 2012 10:49:15
48hr Flood Potential Outlook Flood Potential or Current Flooding October 31 2012 08:05:08
24 Hour QPE Estimate of precipitation during the past 24 hours February 13 2013 05:09:07
0-24 Hour QPF 24 Hour Quantitative Precipitation Forecast for 0 to 24 hours February 13 2013 09:39:06
24-48 Hour QPF 24 Hour Quantitative Precipitation Forecast for 24 to 48 hours February 13 2013 09:39:06
Significant Flood Outlook 5 day Flood Potential Outlook for significant flooding February 13 2013 09:09:20

National Weather Service
Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center
6930 Sand Lake Road
Anchorage, Ak 99502

Page Modified: 29 Dec 2005 18:00 UTC
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