State Active Duty Archive

  • SANDSTON, Va. — Making sure Virginia National Guard troops can communicate during state active duty starts with a small group of military communications professionals who make sure all the necessary equipment is properly maintained and configured. Members of the Virginia Defense Force then use that equipment to keep information flowing between units on the ground and the Virginia Guard’s Joint Operations Center. “It all starts with a small group of dedicated Soldiers and Airmen working behind the scenes to make sure that commanders in the field can communicate,” said Lt. Col. Dave Bennett, director of communications on the Virginia National Guard joint staff. At the heart of the communications package provided for state active duty units is the Tactical Communications...

    Communications teams keep units talking during state active duty

    SANDSTON, Va. — Making sure Virginia National Guard troops can communicate during state active duty starts with a small group of military communications professionals who make sure all the necessary equipment is properly maintained and configured. Members of the Virginia Defense Force then use that equipment to keep information flowing between units on the ground and the Virginia Guard’s Joint Operations Center. “It all starts with a small group of dedicated Soldiers and Airmen working behind the scenes to make sure that commanders in the field can communicate,” said Lt. Col. Dave Bennett, director of communications on the Virginia National Guard joint staff. At the heart of the communications package provided for state active duty units is the Tactical Communications...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

    Virginia Guard completes Hurricane Sandy response operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Most Virginia National Guard personnel on state active in support of Hurricane Sandy support operations have moved into the recovery phase as of late afternoon Oct. 31, and the only personnel still actively engaged in missions are operating in the Eastern Shore area. By the end of the day, the Virginia Guard expects to have approximately 75 personnel still on duty, and all other personnel will be released. Most of those are staged out of the Onancock readiness center and supporting local emergency response organizations, and the other personnel are on duty at the Joint Operations Center in Sandston and supporting sustainment operations out of Fort Pickett. Virginia Guard aviators from the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation...

    Va. Guard standing down most hurricane recovery operations through the state

    SANDSTON, Va. — Most Virginia National Guard personnel on state active in support of Hurricane Sandy support operations have moved into the recovery phase as of late afternoon Oct. 31, and the only personnel still actively engaged in missions are operating in the Eastern Shore area. By the end of the day, the Virginia Guard expects to have approximately 75 personnel still on duty, and all other personnel will be released. Most of those are staged out of the Onancock readiness center and supporting local emergency response organizations, and the other personnel are on duty at the Joint Operations Center in Sandston and supporting sustainment operations out of Fort Pickett. Virginia Guard aviators from the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation...

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  • ONANCOCK, Va. — Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water and cut trees to clear a path for two rescue missions that transported seven adults and one child to safety at two locations on Cattail Road in the Mears, Va. area Oct. 30. The rescue mission took place one day after another high water transport required carrying a citizen who was unable to walk more than 200 yards through chest-high water. “I was very pleased to see our Soldiers cautiously working their way through high water and being mindful of downed power lines, but also aggressively and safely clearing a path to rescue these citizens in need,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Green, senior enlisted leader of the Virginia...

    Virginia Guard Soldiers rescue stranded citizens in the Eastern Shore area

    ONANCOCK, Va. — Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water and cut trees to clear a path for two rescue missions that transported seven adults and one child to safety at two locations on Cattail Road in the Mears, Va. area Oct. 30. The rescue mission took place one day after another high water transport required carrying a citizen who was unable to walk more than 200 yards through chest-high water. “I was very pleased to see our Soldiers cautiously working their way through high water and being mindful of downed power lines, but also aggressively and safely clearing a path to rescue these citizens in need,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Green, senior enlisted leader of the Virginia...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Virginia National Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across the commonwealth. Approximately 650 Guard personnel are staged and ready to respond to provide high water transport, debris reduction and reconnaissance patrols. Governor Bob McDonnell authorized an increase of Guard personnel to 750 on Sunday, and additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Specific accomplishments include the following: - In Winchester, Virginia Guard Soldiers assisted Virginia State Police with clearing a large tree blocking access to a VSP fueling station. - In Norfolk, Virginia Guard personnel provided high water transport to assist...

    Virginia Guard personnel assisting Virginia State Police and local authorities

    SANDSTON, Va. — Virginia National Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across the commonwealth. Approximately 650 Guard personnel are staged and ready to respond to provide high water transport, debris reduction and reconnaissance patrols. Governor Bob McDonnell authorized an increase of Guard personnel to 750 on Sunday, and additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Specific accomplishments include the following: - In Winchester, Virginia Guard Soldiers assisted Virginia State Police with clearing a large tree blocking access to a VSP fueling station. - In Norfolk, Virginia Guard personnel provided high water transport to assist...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Approximately 630 personnel from the Virginia National Guard will be staged and ready to respond at locations across Virginia by late afternoon Oct. 29 to assist state and local emergency response organizations conduct recovery operations related to Hurricane Sandy. Governor Bob McDonnell authorized an increase of Guard personnel to 750 on Sunday, and additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. The Virginia Army Guard and Virginia Defense Force staged more than 500 personnel on Saturday in the areas of Eastern Shore, Hampton Roads, the I-95 corridor from Richmond to Fredericksburg and into Northern Virginia, and additional personnel began staging Sunday and Monday along the I-81/I-66 corridor...

    More than 600 Va. Guard personnel staging across Virginia to support possible Hurricane Sandy recovery operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — Approximately 630 personnel from the Virginia National Guard will be staged and ready to respond at locations across Virginia by late afternoon Oct. 29 to assist state and local emergency response organizations conduct recovery operations related to Hurricane Sandy. Governor Bob McDonnell authorized an increase of Guard personnel to 750 on Sunday, and additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. The Virginia Army Guard and Virginia Defense Force staged more than 500 personnel on Saturday in the areas of Eastern Shore, Hampton Roads, the I-95 corridor from Richmond to Fredericksburg and into Northern Virginia, and additional personnel began staging Sunday and Monday along the I-81/I-66 corridor...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty for possible severe weather recovery operations from Hurricane Sandy. The Virginia Guard will begin staging approximately 50 Army Guard and Virginia Defense Force personnel in the Eastern Shore area in order to be ready to support potential response missions, and all personnel are scheduled to be in place by Saturday evening. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. About 50 Virginia Army Guard, Air Guard and VDF personnel are also on duty in Sandston at the Guard’s Joint Operations Center for mission command and sustainment support as well as...

    Virginia Guard personnel preparing for possible Hurricane Sandy recovery operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty for possible severe weather recovery operations from Hurricane Sandy. The Virginia Guard will begin staging approximately 50 Army Guard and Virginia Defense Force personnel in the Eastern Shore area in order to be ready to support potential response missions, and all personnel are scheduled to be in place by Saturday evening. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. About 50 Virginia Army Guard, Air Guard and VDF personnel are also on duty in Sandston at the Guard’s Joint Operations Center for mission command and sustainment support as well as...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and First Lady Maureen McDonnell expressed their appreciation for the service of Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, members of the Virginia Defense Force and civilian employees Sept. 11 during a visit at Mullins Armory in Sandston. “The First Lady and I wanted to come out today primarily to offer our thanks on behalf of the 8.3 million Virginians for the phenomenal work you do day in and day out not only to protect Virginians, but the lives of Americans around the country and all over the world,” McDonnell said. During his remarks, he talked about the impact of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. and said the Guard has made a “remarkable...

    Governor and First Lady thank Virginia Guard personnel for their service

    SANDSTON, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell and First Lady Maureen McDonnell expressed their appreciation for the service of Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, members of the Virginia Defense Force and civilian employees Sept. 11 during a visit at Mullins Armory in Sandston. “The First Lady and I wanted to come out today primarily to offer our thanks on behalf of the 8.3 million Virginians for the phenomenal work you do day in and day out not only to protect Virginians, but the lives of Americans around the country and all over the world,” McDonnell said. During his remarks, he talked about the impact of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. and said the Guard has made a “remarkable...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — More than 300 members of the Virginia Department of Military Affairs from throughout the state tested the organization’s ability to respond to several simultaneous events during Commonwealth Guardian, a week-long command post exercise July 23-27. “The purpose was to exercise the DMA’s response to a ‘noticed’ event and a ‘no-notice’ event,” said Col. Paul Griffin, director of the joint staff. “In the exercise we wanted to identify gaps in our processes and procedures so we can in turn fix the gaps.” When the Virginia Guard supports a noticed event, months of planning takes place to make sure the Guard is ready to provide the required support. A no-notice event requires the Guard to be able to rapidly...

    Week-long exercise tests Virginia Guard’s ability to respond on multiple levels

    SANDSTON, Va. — More than 300 members of the Virginia Department of Military Affairs from throughout the state tested the organization’s ability to respond to several simultaneous events during Commonwealth Guardian, a week-long command post exercise July 23-27. “The purpose was to exercise the DMA’s response to a ‘noticed’ event and a ‘no-notice’ event,” said Col. Paul Griffin, director of the joint staff. “In the exercise we wanted to identify gaps in our processes and procedures so we can in turn fix the gaps.” When the Virginia Guard supports a noticed event, months of planning takes place to make sure the Guard is ready to provide the required support. A no-notice event requires the Guard to be able to rapidly...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 200 personnel on state active duty from June 30 to July 4 to support recovery operations in the wake of severe thunderstorms that struck across Virginia and caused wide-spread power outages. Soldiers distributed water and ice in Bedford, conducted reconnaissance patrols in the Fredericksburg and Lexington areas and Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force provided mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and Fort Pickett. “I was extremely pleased with the entire operation from how we alerted and staged our personnel to how we actually executed the missions,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think the Virginia Guard continues to be a rapidly...

    Virginia National Guard personnel assist in the wake of severe thunderstorms

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 200 personnel on state active duty from June 30 to July 4 to support recovery operations in the wake of severe thunderstorms that struck across Virginia and caused wide-spread power outages. Soldiers distributed water and ice in Bedford, conducted reconnaissance patrols in the Fredericksburg and Lexington areas and Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force provided mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and Fort Pickett. “I was extremely pleased with the entire operation from how we alerted and staged our personnel to how we actually executed the missions,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think the Virginia Guard continues to be a rapidly...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard is staging personnel in Fredericksburg and Lexington June 30 to be prepared for possible post-storm recovery operations after a series of severe storms struck Virginia June 29. The Virginia Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty and began staging approximately 110 personnel at the readiness center in Fredericksburg and 30 personnel at the readiness center in Lexington to be prepared for possible missions starting the morning of July 1. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Governor Bob McDonnell declared a state of emergency Saturday afternoon in response to severe weather that affected the Commonwealth Friday night. The declaration authorizes...

    Virginia Guard personnel preparing for possible post-storm recovery operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard is staging personnel in Fredericksburg and Lexington June 30 to be prepared for possible post-storm recovery operations after a series of severe storms struck Virginia June 29. The Virginia Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty and began staging approximately 110 personnel at the readiness center in Fredericksburg and 30 personnel at the readiness center in Lexington to be prepared for possible missions starting the morning of July 1. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Governor Bob McDonnell declared a state of emergency Saturday afternoon in response to severe weather that affected the Commonwealth Friday night. The declaration authorizes...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 350 personnel on state active duty to assist in the Commonwealth’s response to Hurricane Irene from Aug. 27 to 31, 2011. The Guard began staging forces Aug. 26 at readiness centers in Bowling Green, Emporia and Sandston as well as co-locating with Virginia State Police personnel in the Eastern Shore Region of Virginia near Onancock, and from there Soldiers worked with the VSP to clear nearly 350 fallen trees during the hurricane as well as in the immediate response after the storm had passed. Virginia Guard engineers from the Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, the West Point-based 237th Engineer Company and the Powhatan-based 180th Engineer Company cleared debris fields along...

    Virginia Guard personnel support Hurricane Irene recovery operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 350 personnel on state active duty to assist in the Commonwealth’s response to Hurricane Irene from Aug. 27 to 31, 2011. The Guard began staging forces Aug. 26 at readiness centers in Bowling Green, Emporia and Sandston as well as co-locating with Virginia State Police personnel in the Eastern Shore Region of Virginia near Onancock, and from there Soldiers worked with the VSP to clear nearly 350 fallen trees during the hurricane as well as in the immediate response after the storm had passed. Virginia Guard engineers from the Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, the West Point-based 237th Engineer Company and the Powhatan-based 180th Engineer Company cleared debris fields along...

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