About Author: Mr. Cotton Puryear

Mr. Cotton Puryear is the communications director for the Virginia Department of Military Affairs. He retired from uniformed service in June 2010 after almost 24 years of active duty U. S. Army and Army National Guard service. He can be reached via email at cotton.puryear@us.army.mil or by phone at 804-236-7892. You can follow him on Twitter @VaGuardPuryear.

Posts by Mr. Cotton Puryear

  • FORT PICKETT, Va. — Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, recognized seven state employees for their outstanding service to the Virginia National Guard and the Commonwealth of Virginia in an informal ceremony held Feb. 13, 2013, at Fort Pickett. Long presented the Virginia Bronze Star to employees that had been recommended by their supervisors for their outstanding service. “It is always important that we recognize employees who do great service for the Virginia National Guard,” Long said. “It is an honor and a privilege for me to present these awards. We have so many great state and federal employees as well as family members who support the Guard, it is great to let them know...

    Adjutant General recognizes state employees at Fort Pickett

    FORT PICKETT, Va. — Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, recognized seven state employees for their outstanding service to the Virginia National Guard and the Commonwealth of Virginia in an informal ceremony held Feb. 13, 2013, at Fort Pickett. Long presented the Virginia Bronze Star to employees that had been recommended by their supervisors for their outstanding service. “It is always important that we recognize employees who do great service for the Virginia National Guard,” Long said. “It is an honor and a privilege for me to present these awards. We have so many great state and federal employees as well as family members who support the Guard, it is great to let them know...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — More than 600 Virginia Guard Soldiers and Airmen joined a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 35 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. The support from the Virginia Guard helped maintain the safety and security for the event, but it also helped prepare the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force to be able to anticipate requirements and rapidly respond for future known and no-notice events. “Our support to the inauguration was outstanding,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think anytime you can get Soldiers and Airmen on the ground, working...

    Support missions for 57th Presidential Inauguration help Va. Guard prepare for future operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — More than 600 Virginia Guard Soldiers and Airmen joined a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 35 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. The support from the Virginia Guard helped maintain the safety and security for the event, but it also helped prepare the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force to be able to anticipate requirements and rapidly respond for future known and no-notice events. “Our support to the inauguration was outstanding,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think anytime you can get Soldiers and Airmen on the ground, working...

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  • ARLINGTON, Va. — Approximately 90 Soldiers from the Leesburg-based Company C, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team assisted Arlington County Police with pedestrian traffic flow near the Roosevelt and 14th Street Bridges Jan. 21, 2013, for the 57th Presidential Inauguration. In addition to helping maintain safety and security for one of largest tourist events to take place in the Washington, D. C. area, the mission also provided the unit with valuable training for missions both here in Virginia and overseas. Soldiers from Company C helped make sure that pedestrians leaving Washington, D. C. were able to successfully and safely make their way to public transit locations in Arlington on Inauguration Day, but the work started weeks...

    Infantry Soldiers assist Arlington Police during 57th Presidential Inauguration

    ARLINGTON, Va. — Approximately 90 Soldiers from the Leesburg-based Company C, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team assisted Arlington County Police with pedestrian traffic flow near the Roosevelt and 14th Street Bridges Jan. 21, 2013, for the 57th Presidential Inauguration. In addition to helping maintain safety and security for one of largest tourist events to take place in the Washington, D. C. area, the mission also provided the unit with valuable training for missions both here in Virginia and overseas. Soldiers from Company C helped make sure that pedestrians leaving Washington, D. C. were able to successfully and safely make their way to public transit locations in Arlington on Inauguration Day, but the work started weeks...

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  • To The State Public Safety Team: Congratulations to all on a job well done. I know that a great deal of time, energy and resources went into the Inauguration – preparing operations plans, executing the mission, and bringing everyone home safely. We truly appreciate the tremendous job done representing the Commonwealth. The professionalism and commitment demonstrated by Virginia’s public safety personnel was exceptional. I greatly appreciate the time and effort expended to train and direct your teams in a way that made things run so smoothly. Virginia is unique in the role we are called upon to play when national events occur. As I saw first-hand this weekend, like I have seen time and time again, our State Police, National...

    Public Safety Secretary thanks state public safety team

    To The State Public Safety Team: Congratulations to all on a job well done. I know that a great deal of time, energy and resources went into the Inauguration – preparing operations plans, executing the mission, and bringing everyone home safely. We truly appreciate the tremendous job done representing the Commonwealth. The professionalism and commitment demonstrated by Virginia’s public safety personnel was exceptional. I greatly appreciate the time and effort expended to train and direct your teams in a way that made things run so smoothly. Virginia is unique in the role we are called upon to play when national events occur. As I saw first-hand this weekend, like I have seen time and time again, our State Police, National...

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  • FORT BELVOIR, Va. – More than 300 Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen were sworn in Jan. 19, 2013, as Washington, D. C. special police to assist with security operations for the 57th Presidential Inauguration. About 600 Virginia Guard personnel will join a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 25 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. Virginia Guard personnel will assist with traffic control, crowd management, communications and chaplain support, and an additional 100 personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will conduct mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and other locations in the state. View more...

    Virginia Guard personnel from units in Manassas, Virginia Beach, Fredericksburg and Staunton sworn in as special police for 57th Presidential Inauguration

    FORT BELVOIR, Va. – More than 300 Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen were sworn in Jan. 19, 2013, as Washington, D. C. special police to assist with security operations for the 57th Presidential Inauguration. About 600 Virginia Guard personnel will join a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 25 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. Virginia Guard personnel will assist with traffic control, crowd management, communications and chaplain support, and an additional 100 personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will conduct mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and other locations in the state. View more...

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  •   SANDSTON, Va. – More than 600 Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen will join a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 25 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. Virginia Guard personnel will assist with traffic control, crowd management, communications and chaplain support, and an additional 100 personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will conduct mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and other locations in the state. “Support to federal, state and local agencies is a routine mission for the Virginia National Guard when our forces are not employed in overseas operations,” said Col. James Ring,...

    Virginia Guard personnel from units in Manassas, Virginia Beach, Leesburg, Fredericksburg, Staunton and Sandston to support 57th Presidential Inauguration

      SANDSTON, Va. – More than 600 Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen will join a force of approximately 6,000 National Guard personnel from 25 states and territories supporting the 57th Presidential Inauguration Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington, D. C. and Northern Virginia. Virginia Guard personnel will assist with traffic control, crowd management, communications and chaplain support, and an additional 100 personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will conduct mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and other locations in the state. “Support to federal, state and local agencies is a routine mission for the Virginia National Guard when our forces are not employed in overseas operations,” said Col. James Ring,...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — Members of the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will be on hand Jan. 15, 2013, with equipment displays in the Darden Garden outside the Virginia General Assembly Building in Richmond from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to demonstrate some of the capabilities the Guard and VDF can provide while on state active duty. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long. Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, will host a reception for members of the General Assembly from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the 5th Floor West Conference Room in the General Assembly Building. Senior Virginia Guard leaders will be in attendance to answer questions and provide insights into the missions and capabilities...

    Virginia Guard personnel scheduled to display equipment outside General Assembly building Jan. 15

    RICHMOND, Va. — Members of the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force will be on hand Jan. 15, 2013, with equipment displays in the Darden Garden outside the Virginia General Assembly Building in Richmond from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to demonstrate some of the capabilities the Guard and VDF can provide while on state active duty. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long. Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, will host a reception for members of the General Assembly from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the 5th Floor West Conference Room in the General Assembly Building. Senior Virginia Guard leaders will be in attendance to answer questions and provide insights into the missions and capabilities...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — During the 2013 State of the Commonwealth Address delivered at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond Jan. 9, 2013, Governor Bob McDonnell recognized the Virginia National Guard for accomplishments during the year. “We don’t have to look far for inspiration from our brave and caring people,” McDonnell said in the address. “On the rain-soaked night of October 30th as Hurricane Sandy’s waters rose swiftly in Accomack County, Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water to clear a path to transport seven adults and a child out of harm’s way. Another rescue required Guardsmen to carry a citizen 200 yards through chest-high water to safety. Virginia Guard personnel rescued 42 citizens during Hurricane Sandy.” McDonnell recognized 1st...

    Governor recognizes Va. Guard during State of the Commonwealth Address

    RICHMOND, Va. — During the 2013 State of the Commonwealth Address delivered at the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond Jan. 9, 2013, Governor Bob McDonnell recognized the Virginia National Guard for accomplishments during the year. “We don’t have to look far for inspiration from our brave and caring people,” McDonnell said in the address. “On the rain-soaked night of October 30th as Hurricane Sandy’s waters rose swiftly in Accomack County, Virginia National Guard Soldiers trudged through high water to clear a path to transport seven adults and a child out of harm’s way. Another rescue required Guardsmen to carry a citizen 200 yards through chest-high water to safety. Virginia Guard personnel rescued 42 citizens during Hurricane Sandy.” McDonnell recognized 1st...

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  • FORT PICKETT, Va. — More than 1,500 Canadian Army reservists from the 34th and 35th Canadian Brigade Groups are taking part in Exercise Noble Guerrier 13 (Noble Warrior) at Fort Pickett from Jan. 2 – 9, 2013 to validate months of training. A combination of infantry, artillery, armored, engineer and support units will test their skills against a simulated opposing force during a four-day battle. Throughout the fall, these Canadian soldiers have trained on weekends to reinforce their knowledge, technique and capacity to work in platoon size up to company level. FOR THE NEWS MEDIA: Reporters and photographers are invited to cover the final day of the field training exercise Monday, Jan. 7, 2013. Journalists would need to arrive at...

    Canadian Army reservists to take part in a large scale exercise at Fort Pickett

    FORT PICKETT, Va. — More than 1,500 Canadian Army reservists from the 34th and 35th Canadian Brigade Groups are taking part in Exercise Noble Guerrier 13 (Noble Warrior) at Fort Pickett from Jan. 2 – 9, 2013 to validate months of training. A combination of infantry, artillery, armored, engineer and support units will test their skills against a simulated opposing force during a four-day battle. Throughout the fall, these Canadian soldiers have trained on weekends to reinforce their knowledge, technique and capacity to work in platoon size up to company level. FOR THE NEWS MEDIA: Reporters and photographers are invited to cover the final day of the field training exercise Monday, Jan. 7, 2013. Journalists would need to arrive at...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard has established the Virginia National Guard Employers Network on Linked In, a career opportunity and assistance networking group. You can join the group by visiting the following link: http://ow.ly/g64qY According to the group’s introduction message, “This is the virtual place to meet, interact and share ideas respectfully with current and former members of the Virginia National Guard, their spouses, and employers desiring the many benefits provided by employees with military experience. We are an all-volunteer group with the planning, programming, and presentations conducted by volunteers and members.” The group is open to current members of the Virginia Army and Air National Guard and their spouses seeking career employment and can help them gain...

    Virginia National Guard establishes Linked In group for employment resources

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard has established the Virginia National Guard Employers Network on Linked In, a career opportunity and assistance networking group. You can join the group by visiting the following link: http://ow.ly/g64qY According to the group’s introduction message, “This is the virtual place to meet, interact and share ideas respectfully with current and former members of the Virginia National Guard, their spouses, and employers desiring the many benefits provided by employees with military experience. We are an all-volunteer group with the planning, programming, and presentations conducted by volunteers and members.” The group is open to current members of the Virginia Army and Air National Guard and their spouses seeking career employment and can help them gain...

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  • FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion provided the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War reenactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force also supported the event with traffic control and visitor assistance, and the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team provided a color guard and howitzer for the weekend’s final events Dec. 9. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination...

    Va. Guard and VDF support 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg

    FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion provided the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War reenactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force also supported the event with traffic control and visitor assistance, and the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team provided a color guard and howitzer for the weekend’s final events Dec. 9. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell ceremonially signed a proclamation designating December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month” in the Commonwealth of Virginia Dec. 7, 2012, at a ceremony in Richmond. Governor McDonnell was joined by Secretary of Public Safety Marla Graff Decker and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, in recognizing members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force. “This proclamation, in a small way, recognizes the incredible sacrifice and service of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force,” McDonnell said. “For the first time since 9/11 all Virginia Army Guard and Air Guard units are home with their families and loved ones for the holidays. Time and...

    Governor McDonnell signs proclamation declaring December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month”

    RICHMOND, Va. — Governor Bob McDonnell ceremonially signed a proclamation designating December as “Virginia National Guard Appreciation and Recognition Month” in the Commonwealth of Virginia Dec. 7, 2012, at a ceremony in Richmond. Governor McDonnell was joined by Secretary of Public Safety Marla Graff Decker and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, in recognizing members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force. “This proclamation, in a small way, recognizes the incredible sacrifice and service of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force,” McDonnell said. “For the first time since 9/11 all Virginia Army Guard and Air Guard units are home with their families and loved ones for the holidays. Time and...

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  • BOWLING GREEN, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion will provide the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War re-enactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg scheduled for Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force will also support the event with traffic control and visitor assistance. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination with multiple civilian agencies which is what we do when we are on state active...

    Va. Guard engineers and VDF to support 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg

    BOWLING GREEN, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion will provide the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War re-enactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg scheduled for Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force will also support the event with traffic control and visitor assistance. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination with multiple civilian agencies which is what we do when we are on state active...

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  •   WINCHESTER, Va. – Lt. Col. Erik Gordon took command of the Virginia National Guard’s Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Brigade Combat Team from Lt. Col. Paul Gilman in a change of command ceremony held Dec. 1, 2012, at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center. Gilman assumed command of 3rd Battalion in May 2010 after serving as commander of the Fort Pickett-based 1st Battalion, 183d Regional Training Institute beginning in August 2009. He earned his commission through ROTC at the University of Virginia, where he graduated in 1991. He began his military career as an engineer officer and served in the 229th Engineer Battalion as a platoon leader, executive officer, company commander and battalion operations officer. He transitioned to infantry...

    Change of command ceremony held for Winchester-based Virginia Guard infantry battalion

      WINCHESTER, Va. – Lt. Col. Erik Gordon took command of the Virginia National Guard’s Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Brigade Combat Team from Lt. Col. Paul Gilman in a change of command ceremony held Dec. 1, 2012, at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center. Gilman assumed command of 3rd Battalion in May 2010 after serving as commander of the Fort Pickett-based 1st Battalion, 183d Regional Training Institute beginning in August 2009. He earned his commission through ROTC at the University of Virginia, where he graduated in 1991. He began his military career as an engineer officer and served in the 229th Engineer Battalion as a platoon leader, executive officer, company commander and battalion operations officer. He transitioned to infantry...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The 2012 Holiday Video Message from Governor Bob McDonnell and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, is available online at the following links: View the video on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151314775236131 Download the video in WMV format: http://ow.ly/fHo83 Download the video in MOV format: http://ow.ly/fHoak Share

    Holiday Video Message from Governor and AG available online

    SANDSTON, Va. — The 2012 Holiday Video Message from Governor Bob McDonnell and Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, is available online at the following links: View the video on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151314775236131 Download the video in WMV format: http://ow.ly/fHo83 Download the video in MOV format: http://ow.ly/fHoak Share

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  • BLACKSTONE, Va. — Chief Warrant Officer 4 William Lyles was promoted to chief warrant officer 5 in a promotion ceremony held Nov. 21, 2012, at Fort Pickett. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, hosted the event and “pinned on” the new rank for the state’s senior warrant officer. He officially began serving Nov. 1 as the state command chief warrant officer. In that position, he serves as the senior warrant officer in the state managing the military aspects of all full time and traditional National Guard warrant officers. He is the primary advisor and spokesperson regarding issues related to the analysis and enforcement of established policies and standards for all warrant officers and is responsible...

    New state command chief promoted to CW5

    BLACKSTONE, Va. — Chief Warrant Officer 4 William Lyles was promoted to chief warrant officer 5 in a promotion ceremony held Nov. 21, 2012, at Fort Pickett. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, hosted the event and “pinned on” the new rank for the state’s senior warrant officer. He officially began serving Nov. 1 as the state command chief warrant officer. In that position, he serves as the senior warrant officer in the state managing the military aspects of all full time and traditional National Guard warrant officers. He is the primary advisor and spokesperson regarding issues related to the analysis and enforcement of established policies and standards for all warrant officers and is responsible...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Making sure Virginia National Guard troops can communicate during state active duty starts with a small group of military communications professionals who make sure all the necessary equipment is properly maintained and configured. Members of the Virginia Defense Force then use that equipment to keep information flowing between units on the ground and the Virginia Guard’s Joint Operations Center. “It all starts with a small group of dedicated Soldiers and Airmen working behind the scenes to make sure that commanders in the field can communicate,” said Lt. Col. Dave Bennett, director of communications on the Virginia National Guard joint staff. At the heart of the communications package provided for state active duty units is the Tactical Communications...

    Communications teams keep units talking during state active duty

    SANDSTON, Va. — Making sure Virginia National Guard troops can communicate during state active duty starts with a small group of military communications professionals who make sure all the necessary equipment is properly maintained and configured. Members of the Virginia Defense Force then use that equipment to keep information flowing between units on the ground and the Virginia Guard’s Joint Operations Center. “It all starts with a small group of dedicated Soldiers and Airmen working behind the scenes to make sure that commanders in the field can communicate,” said Lt. Col. Dave Bennett, director of communications on the Virginia National Guard joint staff. At the heart of the communications package provided for state active duty units is the Tactical Communications...

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  •   RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell thanked members of the Virginia State Police and Virginia National Guard for their work during security operations at the National Governor’s Association Conference during a reception held Nov. 19, 2012, at the Executive Mansion in Richmond. The NGA Conference brought more than 40 governors to Williamsburg in July 2012, and McDonnell praised the VSP and Virginia Guard for their effective partnership and playing a key role in how smoothly the event was conducted. In addition, McDonnell recognized the two public safety organizations for their work during several severe weather events that impacted the commonwealth over the last three years. “The coordination between the Virginia State Police and the Virginia National Guard has...

    Governor recognizes Va. State Police and Va. Guard for support during Governor’s Association Conference

      RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell thanked members of the Virginia State Police and Virginia National Guard for their work during security operations at the National Governor’s Association Conference during a reception held Nov. 19, 2012, at the Executive Mansion in Richmond. The NGA Conference brought more than 40 governors to Williamsburg in July 2012, and McDonnell praised the VSP and Virginia Guard for their effective partnership and playing a key role in how smoothly the event was conducted. In addition, McDonnell recognized the two public safety organizations for their work during several severe weather events that impacted the commonwealth over the last three years. “The coordination between the Virginia State Police and the Virginia National Guard has...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Virginia National Guard personnel took part in Veterans Day observations across the commonwealth that included a wreath laying, speeches, static displays and marching in parades. At the Commonwealth Veterans Day Ceremony held Nov. 11, 2012, at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, presented the Virginia National Guard memorial wreath in honor of past and present Veterans at the Shrine of Memory. “This is a time of remembrance and appreciation for those men and women who have served bravely and honorably in the defense and security of our nation,” Long said in his Veterans Day message. “Defending this great nation is a generational duty that continues today.”...

    Past and present Veterans honored

    SANDSTON, Va. — Virginia National Guard personnel took part in Veterans Day observations across the commonwealth that included a wreath laying, speeches, static displays and marching in parades. At the Commonwealth Veterans Day Ceremony held Nov. 11, 2012, at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia, presented the Virginia National Guard memorial wreath in honor of past and present Veterans at the Shrine of Memory. “This is a time of remembrance and appreciation for those men and women who have served bravely and honorably in the defense and security of our nation,” Long said in his Veterans Day message. “Defending this great nation is a generational duty that continues today.”...

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  • STAUNTON, Va.—Friends, family and Soldiers of the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team will commemorate the service of the historical 116th Infantry Regiment Nov. 9-10 during the 45th Annual 116th Regimental Muster. The celebration will kick-off with a golf tournament Nov. 9, followed by a 5k fun run Nov. 10. The culminating event of the weekend will be a formal dinner and muster ceremony. “Historically, a muster was the day designated each year when all of the able-bodied residents in every community, in a developing America, assembled at the court house for roll call,” said retired Brig. Gen. Theodore G. Shuey, Jr., the honorary colonel of the 116th Regiment. “In this way leaders determined who could be counted on in the...

    Annual muster honors heritage of 116th Infantry Regiment

    STAUNTON, Va.—Friends, family and Soldiers of the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team will commemorate the service of the historical 116th Infantry Regiment Nov. 9-10 during the 45th Annual 116th Regimental Muster. The celebration will kick-off with a golf tournament Nov. 9, followed by a 5k fun run Nov. 10. The culminating event of the weekend will be a formal dinner and muster ceremony. “Historically, a muster was the day designated each year when all of the able-bodied residents in every community, in a developing America, assembled at the court house for roll call,” said retired Brig. Gen. Theodore G. Shuey, Jr., the honorary colonel of the 116th Regiment. “In this way leaders determined who could be counted on in the...

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