
Soil health lessons in a minute: benefits of no-till farming

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Published on Oct 6, 2012

NRCS Agronomist Ray Archuleta vividly demonstrates the consequences of tilling and the benefits of no-till farming.

Learn more: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/n...

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  • Kevin Pi

    If we do not "disturb the soil" and use seeding systems such as high residue mulch till or one pass direct seed. You can watch this informational video on soil health and soil erosion. This is "sustainable" farming, using stewardship to protect the natural resources.

    There is an error if I try to add a direct link so you should search for Soil Stories - The Whole Story on Google, it is a 29 minute video about soil, soil health, and direct seed veggi production.


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    in reply to Emily Fuger (Show the comment)
  • Emily Fuger

    If we can't disturb the soil, how will we eat?


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  • Jesse Poore

    "do not disturb" - great branding message!


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