U.S. Army South

'Beyond the Horizon' Yellow Ribbon event assists Soldiers, families with deployment

CONCORD, N.H. - (Feb. 14, 2013) Soldiers and Airmen from the New Hampshire National Guard scheduled to deploy next month in support of the Beyond the Horizon mission to El Salvador traveled through wintry weather Feb. 9 to participate in a pre-deployment event. ... Full story

CSA's strategic intent: Delivering strategic landpower in an uncertain world

WASHINGTON (Feb. 5, 2013) -- Over the past 11 years of continuous combat, the Army made great strides at the tactical and operational levels of war. We evolved our tactics, fielded new equipment, and modified our organizations, all while combating determined enemies. These changes were necessary, and they produced an Army without peer on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. ... Full story

Army South, leaders from five partner nations gather to discuss collaborative solutions to regional threats

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas -- U.S. Army South hosted, on behalf of the U.S. Army, senior military and security forces leaders from five partner nations for this year’s annual Central American Regional Leaders’ Conference at the command’s headquarters here Jan. 28 to Feb.1. ... Full story

Army South commander, Colombian army leaders reinforce strong bonds

BOGOTA, Colombia – U.S. Army South’s commanding general, Maj. Gen. Frederick S. Rudesheim, traveled to Bogota, Colombia, Jan. 21-25 where he met with the U.S. Ambassador, P. Michael McKinley, took part in discussions with key leaders in the Colombian army and visited various military installations. ... Full story

Army South commander heads to Colombia to strengthen partnerships

BOGOTA, Colombia – U.S. Army South’s commanding general arrived in Bogota, Colombia Jan. 21 where he will spend the next several days meeting with the U.S. ambassador, taking part in discussions with key leaders in the Colombian army and visiting various military installations. ... Full story

SOUTHCOM commander visits FSH, stresses importance of Army South mission

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas – (January 18, 2013) Marine Gen. John F. Kelly paid a visit to U.S. Army South here Jan. 15, his first visit since taking command of U.S. Southern Command last November. ... Full story

Defense & Fraternity | October – December 2012 Issue

The Official Magazine of U.S. Army South "Defense and Fraternity" October - December 2012 Issue ... Full story

Army South’s 2012 brought new leaders into top positions, conducted robust exercises, engagements

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - (December 21, 2012) This year has been a very busy period for U.S. Army South with personnel changes in our senior command positions, while simultaneously conducting, hosting or participating in several multinational exercises here and in our area of responsibility of Central and South America and the Caribbean. ... Full story

Conference of American Armies closes commanders’ meeting, plans to gather again in Mexico City next year

MEXICO CITY (December 13, 2012) - The Conference of American Armies closed the first year of its 30th cycle with the gathering of chiefs of armies from the Caribbean, Central, North and South American countries in a military ceremony hosted by the Mexican army at the Campo Militar #1 in Mexico City Dec. 13. ... Full story

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