Learning Resources

On this page you will see information pertaining to the following subjects: DOT Training Sites, Audiocasts; Podcasts; Videos, Free Online University Courses, Learning Hubs and Online Modules.


DOT Training Sites


Center for Management Development - Palm Coast, FL

Federal Aviation Academy - Oklahoma City, OK

Merchant Marine Academy - Kings Point, NY

National Training Center - Arlington, VA

National Highway Institute - Arlington, VA

National Transit Institute - New Brunswick, NJ

Transportation Safety Institute - Oklahoma City, OK


Audiocasts, Podcasts & Videos


American Radio-works Documentaries

Job Accommodation Network Podcasts 

StopBullying.gov Video Library


Free Online University Courses


Aboriginal Worldviews and Education

University of Toronto; Starts Feb 25th

This course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how this knowledge can inform education to the benefit of all students.

Critical Thinking in Global Challenges

The University of Edinburgh; Starts January 28th

In this course you will develop and enhance your ability to think critically, assess information and develop reasoned arguments in the context of the global challenges facing society today.

Immigration and U.S. Citizenship

Emory University; Starts April 29th

What does it mean for an immigrant to become a U.S. citizen? Through a background of historical and policy perspectives, this course will examine U.S. law governing how citizenship is acquired, the constitutional and international law foundations underlying immigration regulation, the role of the federal government in regulating immigration, and immigration law reform.

Useful Genetics

The University of British Columbia; Starts May 2013

This course will give you a thorough understanding of gene function and inheritance, and will enable you to apply this understanding to real-world issues, both personal and societal.

Women and the Civil Rights Movement

University of Maryland; Starts February 25, 2013

Learn about women's roles in the U. S. civil rights of the 1890s to the 1990s.


Learning Hubs


Genetics Home Reference - The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) will provide federal protection from genetic discrimination in health insurance and employment.

OPM - Alternative Dispute Resolution - A Resource Guide

The ADR Guide provides an overall picture of how the most common forms of ADR are being implemented in Federal agencies.  It summarizes a number of current ADR programs (including alternative discipline programs), and it includes descriptions of shared neutrals programs where agencies have collaborated to reduce the costs of ADR.  It provides a listing of training and resources available from Federal and non-Federal sources. It also provides selected ADR-related web sites.  The information in the Guide will be helpful in exploring the feasibility and appropriateness of implementing alternative dispute resolution programs in your organization or enhancing the one you may have now.

Teaching Tolerance

Provides free educational materials to teachers and other school practitioners in the U.S. and Canada. Our self-titled magazine is sent to 450,000 educators twice annually, and tens of thousands of educators use our free curricular kits.


Online Modules


Job Accommodation Network Multimedia Training Library

Length: 12 minutes.

The JAN Multimedia Training Library provides training resources for JAN's users. These materials may be used in group training or by individuals. They may easily be incorporated into larger training events. Some resources are for general audiences, some are quite specific.


Have a learning resource to submit? Contact CRLC@dot.gov. For all other EEO and DBE inquiries, please visit the DOT DOCR Website for more information on employee and public Civil Rights services. 

Disclaimer: The links listed are provided as resources of information. Views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Transportation.