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1999 Izmit, Turkey Earthquake

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This picture shows a line of metal poles offset 2.2m adjacent to the east side of Izmit Bay....
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Line of Metal Poles Offset
This picture shows a line of metal poles offset 2.2m adjacent to the east side of Izmit Bay....
Location: Turkey
This picture shows an offset 3m and is in a large field with a well expressed moletrack. A moletrack is a descriptive term for how strike slip faults often look when seen at the surface....
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Offset and Moletrack
This picture shows an offset 3m and is in a large field with a well expressed moletrack. A moletrack is a descriptive term for how strike slip faults often look when seen at the surface....
Location: Turkey
This picture is on the far east end of the rupture. The fault went directly through the school - the chalkboard reads something like: "We're all happy because school is out
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Fault Through a School
This picture is on the far east end of the rupture. The fault went directly through the school - the chalkboard reads something like: "We're all happy because school is out"....
Location: Turkey
Izmit moletrack is near the town of Izmit....
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Moletrack Near Izmit
Izmit moletrack is near the town of Izmit....
Location: Turkey
This is where 6 large apartments buildings all were completely flattened. Luckily they were uninhabitated. Residents were supposed to have moved in during June, but were delayed. The fault is seen in the foreground. Aykut Barka has a photo taken of this area from a helicopter....
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Flattened Apartment Buildings
This is where 6 large apartments buildings all were completely flattened. Luckily they were uninhabitated. Residents were supposed to have moved in during June, but were delayed. The fault is seen in the foreground. Aykut Barka has a photo taken of this area from a helicopter....
Location: Turkey
This shows another well expressed moletrack and marshy area around a sag pond. Sag ponds are another common feature in strike slip fault zones which occur where the fault is not straight....
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Moletrack and Sag Pond
This shows another well expressed moletrack and marshy area around a sag pond. Sag ponds are another common feature in strike slip fault zones which occur where the fault is not straight....
Location: Turkey
This is actually the northern strand of a 100-m-wide graben. A graben is an area bounded by multiple faults that has dropped down....
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Northern Strand of a 100-m-wide Graben
This is actually the northern strand of a 100-m-wide graben. A graben is an area bounded by multiple faults that has dropped down....
Location: Turkey
This is adjacent to Izmit Bay where the fault leaves the Bay on its eastern side. There is a local slope down to the Bay that allowed slumping along the cracks to form the small scarps apparent....
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Slumping Near Izmit Bay
This is adjacent to Izmit Bay where the fault leaves the Bay on its eastern side. There is a local slope down to the Bay that allowed slumping along the cracks to form the small scarps apparent....
Location: Turkey
0.9 m high scarp with lateral offset of 1.9 m. Local changes in fault geometry are believed to have caused the vertical component across fault....
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Fault Scarp
0.9 m high scarp with lateral offset of 1.9 m. Local changes in fault geometry are believed to have caused the vertical component across fault....
Location: Turkey
This barn is faulted through the middle; the moletrack is seen in the foreground with the viewer standing on the fault. From the air one can see metal roof panels of the barn that rotated as the barn was faulted....
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Faulted Barn
This barn is faulted through the middle; the moletrack is seen in the foreground with the viewer standing on the fault. From the air one can see metal roof panels of the barn that rotated as the barn was faulted....
Location: Turkey
Topographic humps offset by the fault reveal stratigraphy. Bridge in background was knocked down during earthquake....
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Offset Topographic Humps
Topographic humps offset by the fault reveal stratigraphy. Bridge in background was knocked down during earthquake....
Location: Turkey
The fault is clearly expressed through this pasture at N40 41.959', E030 30.196'. Offset of a small road is 2.4 m (a maximum)....
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Fault Through a Pasture
The fault is clearly expressed through this pasture at N40 41.959', E030 30.196'. Offset of a small road is 2.4 m (a maximum)....
Location: Turkey
A dike is offset 2.3 m....
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Offset Dike
A dike is offset 2.3 m....
Location: Turkey
Moletrack showing well-expressed extensional and compressional components of the rupture....
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Moletrack showing well-expressed extensional and compressional components of the rupture....
Location: Turkey
A close-up shot of a tree that was actually split into two by faulting. The tree records 0.8 m of offset, a larger view reveals that across the entire fault zone, offset is 3 m....
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Offset Tree
A close-up shot of a tree that was actually split into two by faulting. The tree records 0.8 m of offset, a larger view reveals that across the entire fault zone, offset is 3 m....
Location: Turkey
The offset stream bank of the Sakarya River. The tree lines record an offset of 3.3 m....
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Offset Stream Bank of the Sakarya River
The offset stream bank of the Sakarya River. The tree lines record an offset of 3.3 m....
Location: Turkey
The fault trends through a highway overpass (which did not fail), causing the guardrail to be offset ~2.8 m....
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Offset Highway Guardrail
The fault trends through a highway overpass (which did not fail), causing the guardrail to be offset ~2.8 m....
Location: Turkey
A man walks alongside the rubble of a destroyed building....
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Destroyed Building
A man walks alongside the rubble of a destroyed building....
Location: Turkey
Structural damage in the earthquake region....
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Structural Damage
Structural damage in the earthquake region....
Location: Turkey
A view of a few damaged buildings in the earthquake region....
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Damaged Buildings
A view of a few damaged buildings in the earthquake region....
Location: Turkey


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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, January 09, 2013