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Archive for the ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Category

Celebrate America’s Independence Safely on the Fourth of July
July 1st, 2011 Posted by

The Justice Department would like to wish you and your family a fun and safe Fourth of July holiday. To ensure this we encourage the safe and legal use of consumer fireworks to celebrate our nation’s independence this July 4th. 

Fireworks and the Fourth of July celebrations go hand-in-hand. However, the Department wants you to enjoy the holiday safely. Each year illegal or improperly used fireworks cause severe injuries, or in some cases even death.

Not all fireworks sold during this holiday season are safe and legal. Some, including “display fireworks,”  the large fireworks typically used in shows under the supervision of a trained pyrotechnician, require that any person engaging in the business of importing, manufacturing, dealing in, or otherwise receiving display of these fireworks first obtain a Federal explosives license or permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for the specific activity. You should always use caution in purchasing fireworks to avoid contact with potentially illegal and deadly explosives.

Addressing the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Annual Fireworks Safety Press Conference and Demonstration, on June 22, 2011, Arthur Herbert, Assistant Director for Enforcement Programs and Services for the ATF said legitimate fireworks are legal for a reason.

“Legitimate fireworks manufacturers and distributors take precautions,” said Herbert. “These precautions enhance your personal safety and the safety of the workers who produce and handle the fireworks. These precautions enhance the safety of the communities in which makers of explosives manufacture or use fireworks.”

Illegal explosives are not, and should not, be marketed as consumer fireworks. Do not be fooled. While many such explosives like cherry bombs, M-80s, silver salutes and quarter sticks are associated with the fireworks season and can seem like fun, they are inherently dangerous because of their composition and unpredictability. These devices meet no safety standards and often have a coating of dangerous explosive dust which may cause them to unexpectedly detonate when exposed to friction, heat, or simply being bumped.

Some signs to look out for that a device may be an illegal explosive are:

  •   It resembles a roll of coins with a fuse.
  •   It consists of a cardboard tube or oddly shaped item wrapped in brown paper and filled with an explosive material.
  •   It is red, silver, or brown in color.
  •   It may be 1 to 6 inches long and up to an inch or more in diameter.
  •   It is sold on the street or out of the back of someone’s vehicle.

Speaking to how consumers can protect themselves against illegally manufactured and distributed fireworks, Herbert said it is the consumer’s responsibility to be informed.

“Know the difference before purchasing fireworks. Help us. If you choose to enjoy consumer fireworks, be careful. Always supervise children, and adhere to federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. The consequences of not following this guidance can be severe.”

Once again, we ask that the public report the manufacture or sale of illegal fireworks or explosive devices to local law enforcement or by calling the toll-free ATF hotline at 1-888-ATF-BOMB (1-888-283-2662).

Project Coronado – By the Numbers
October 22nd, 2009 Posted by

Over the past two days, 303 individuals in 19 states were arrested as part of Project Coronado – a 44-month multi-agency law enforcement investigation, which targeted the distribution network of a major Mexican drug trafficking organization known as La Familia, through coordination between federal, state and local law enforcement. 

More than 3,000 agents and officers operated across the United States to make the arrests during the two-day takedown.  During the two-day operation alone, $3.4 million in U.S. currency, 729 pounds of methamphetamine, 62 kilograms of cocaine, 967 pounds of marijuana, 144 weapons and 109 vehicles were seized by law enforcement agents. Below, a look at Project Coronado, and the overall numbers of this 44-month operation.

Project Coronado – By the Numbers

1, 186: Number of Total arrests.
1,999: Kilograms of Cocaine Seized
2,710: Pounds of Methamphetamine Seized
29: Pounds of Heroin Seized
16,390: Pounds of Marijuana Seized
$32,795,000: U.S. Currency Seized
269: Number of Vehicles Seized
389: Number of Weapons Seized
2: Number of Maritime Vessels Seized

The Attorney General announced the current results of Project Coronado at a press conference held this morning. He was joined by DEA Acting Administrator Michele M. Leonhart, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III and ATF Acting Director Kenneth E. Melson.

Read the full news release.

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