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Romney, Santorum Tie for Lead in GOP Positive Intensity
Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum tie for the highest Positive Intensity Score among Republicans, at +12. Romney has never generated a high degree of intensity among Republicans, but has been the most liked, on average.

Mitt Romney has climbed to a commanding 23-point lead over his nearest Republican competitor, with the support of 37% of Republicans nationwide. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich each have 14%, and Ron Paul has 12%.

The U.S. political and economic environment at the start of 2012 is troublesome for an incumbent president seeking re-election. However, Gallup trends suggest it is still too soon to make firm predictions about President Barack Obama's chances.

Mitt Romney is now the only candidate that a majority of conservative and moderate/liberal Republicans nationwide see as an acceptable GOP nominee for president. Conservative Republicans are more likely to say this about Romney than about either Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum.

Six in 10 Republican registered voters, nationwide, now believe Mitt Romney is the candidate most likely to win the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, up from 39% in December. Rick Santorum places a distant second, named by 11%.

GALLUP DAILY: GOP Ballot Tracking, Among Republican Registered Voters

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