U.S. Mission Geneva
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  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • Mehran GA GA
      تایمز :جمهوری اسلامی ده میلیارد دلار در اختیار بشار اسد گذاشت
    • Eric LaMont Gregory
      If, the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire it will have a dramatic effect on the economy of every household in the United States. The average household in the 8th Congressional district, represented by Speaker of the House John Boehner, will experience an increased tax bill of some $2,699 dollars - http://www.theoxfordscientist.com/tax-cuts-to-expire.html
    • Mike Savage
      US elections 2012: Will the debates change the game? Join us for a public discussion at the Graduate Institute next Tuesday the same day as the next debate between Obama and Romney: http://graduateinstitute.ch/corporate/resources/events_types/calendarofevents.html?evenementId=148441
    • Eric LaMont Gregory
      - Origin of the Tea Party - An analysis of recent elections shows that unemployment and housing price declines contributed to Republican gains, and a significant drop in the number of voters that usually vote for Democratic candidates contributed to their loses- http://www.theoxfordscientist.com/tea-party.html -
  2. Everyday 925 million people go to sleep hungry! That's 13.6% of the world's population.

    Today is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. What is the best way to lift people out of poverty?
    - Education
    - Good Jobs
    - Fair Trade
    - New Agricultural Technologies
    Photo: Everyday 925 million people go to sleep hungry! That's 13.6% of the world's population.

Today is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. What is the best way to lift people out of poverty?
-	Education
-	Good Jobs 
-	Fair Trade
-	New Agricultural Technologies
  3. Workers are preparing the stage for tonight's Presidential debate. What are your expectations for the town-hall style event, where the audience ask the questions? - AFP images http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/
    Photo: Workers are preparing the stage for tonight's Presidential debate. What are your expectations for the town-hall style event, where the audience ask the questions? - AFP images http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/
  4. October 11-12, the Mission organized a full program of events for Nicholas Kralev, author of “America’s Other Army” on the U.S. Foreign Service and 21st Century Diplomacy. Kralev met with students from Webster University and the Geneva Scho...
    ol of Diplomacy to discuss the changing role of diplomacy and what is now required of American diplomats. Kralev also gave a lecture at the United Nations Library as part of their series of book presentations, which included an in-depth discussion with UN diplomats and international staff, followed by a reception with the Young Diplomats group. To cap off his visit, Kralev addressed the American International Club, presenting his observations about the breadth of work conducted by U.S. foreign service officers around the world.
    See More
    — at United Nations, Geneve.
  5. Happy World Food Day! This year’s theme, which was announced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, is “Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World.” What does “agricultural cooperative” mean to you? http://www.fao.org/getinvolved/worldfoodday/en/
    Photo: Happy World Food Day! This year’s theme, which was announced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, is “Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World.” What does “agricultural cooperative” mean to you? http://www.fao.org/getinvolved/worldfoodday/en/
  6. Today, Thursday October 11, is the first-ever International Day of the Girl Child. The United States will join a campaign to stop child marriage. Watch Poojas Story, an eight-grader who does not want to get married at age 13: http://ow.ly/eogvN
    Photo: Today, Thursday October 11, is the first-ever International Day of the Girl Child. The United States will join a campaign to stop child marriage. Watch Poojas Story, an eight-grader who does not want to get married at age 13: http://ow.ly/eogvN
  7. The U.S. Mission is pleased to welcome author Nicholas Kralev to present "America's Other Army" his recently published book revealing what diplomats really do and why. He will speak to a public audience at the United Nations Library in Geneva on Thursday, October 11 at 4:30 -- if you wish to attend please RSVP to library@unog.ch.
    Photo: The U.S. Mission is pleased to welcome author Nicholas Kralev to present "America's Other Army" his recently published book revealing what diplomats really do and why.  He will speak to a public audience at the United Nations Library in Geneva on Thursday, October 11 at 4:30 -- if you wish to attend please RSVP to library@unog.ch.
  8. Your buddy got a case of the blues? It could be more than a bad mood. It might be depression, a genuine mental illness. http://goo.gl/rjPc7 Broadening global understanding about mental illness is the goal of the WHO’s World Mental Health Day October 10 and National Mental Health Awareness Week October 7–13 in the United States. Art credit: WHO/R. Aragno
    Photo: Your buddy got a case of the blues? It could be more than a bad mood. It might be depression, a genuine mental illness.  http://goo.gl/rjPc7  Broadening global understanding about mental illness is the goal of the WHO’s World Mental Health Day October 10 and National Mental Health Awareness Week October 7–13 in the United States. Art credit: WHO/R. Aragno
  9. New Monument Honors Cesar E. Chavez, an American Civil Rights Leader - The Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, says he is guided by Chavez’ philosophy that only in service to others do we find the true meaning of our lives. http://ow.ly/ekUCk
    Photo: New Monument Honors Cesar E. Chavez, an American Civil Rights Leader - The Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, says he is guided by Chavez’ philosophy that only in service to others do we find the true meaning of our lives. http://ow.ly/ekUCk
  10. OneBeat, a cultural diplomacy program sponsored by the State recently brought together 32 musicians from 21 countries to write, produce and perform original music and to explore how music can make a positive impact on local and global communities. http://ow.ly/ekdoF
    Photo: OneBeat, a cultural diplomacy program sponsored by the State recently brought together 32 musicians from 21 countries to write, produce and perform original music and to explore how music can make a positive impact on local and global communities. http://ow.ly/ekdoF
  11. Columbus Day celebrates the thrill of exploration, examines the controversy over colonization and provides a day of rest for most U.S. families. Monday, Oct. 8, is Columbus Day http://ow.ly/efogc
    Photo: Columbus Day celebrates the thrill of exploration, examines the controversy over colonization and provides a day of rest for most U.S. families. Monday, Oct. 8, is Columbus Day http://ow.ly/efogc
  12. Venerable Luon Sovath, Laureat of the 2012 Martin Ennals Award, with Peter Mulrean, Deputy Permanent Representative of the US Mission to the UN in Geneva. A Buddhist monk from Siem Reap, Cambodia, the Venerable Sovath has been a strong adv...
    ocate against forced evictions, which remove families from their homes, often violently and with little or no compensation. He uses videos, poems and songs to promote his work. He received the award October 3, 2012 in Geneva.
    See More
    Photo: Venerable Luon Sovath, Laureat of the 2012 Martin Ennals Award, with Peter Mulrean, Deputy Permanent Representative of the US Mission to the UN in Geneva.  A Buddhist monk from Siem Reap, Cambodia, the Venerable Sovath has been a strong advocate against forced evictions, which remove families from their homes, often violently and with little or no compensation. He uses videos, poems and songs to promote his work.  He received the award October 3, 2012 in Geneva.
  13. Here’s a new activity for you and your online friends! Go to cyclonecenter.org and help scientists understand more about the behavior of cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. http://ow.ly/edMWX
    Photo: Here’s a new activity for you and your online friends! Go to cyclonecenter.org and help scientists understand more about the behavior of cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. http://ow.ly/edMWX
  14. Watch this fascinating new film by UNTV on the presence of the United Nations in Geneva.
  15. The U.S. Department of State announced that 68 American teachers and 19 international teachers will be honored on UNESCO’s World Teachers’ Day in Washington on October 5. http://ow.ly/ed7qn
    Photo: The U.S. Department of State announced that 68 American teachers and 19 international teachers will be honored on UNESCO’s World Teachers’ Day in Washington on October 5.  http://ow.ly/ed7qn
  16. As we reflect on and celebrate the remarkable work done by the 2012 Internet Freedom Fellows in Geneva, Washington, D.C., and Califronia earlier this year, and which they continue in their home countries and throughout the world still, we also look forward to Internet Freedom Fellows 2013 -- now in the planning stages. It is our pleasure to celebrate the courageous work of these talented bloggers.
  17. During the UNHCR Executive Committe Meeting, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva and the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration organized a gathering to celebrate the enduring partnerships of UNHCR, refugee hosting countr...
    ies, implementing partners, and donors. PRM Assistant Secretary Anne Richard remarked that UNHCR is to be applauded for its exceptional work faced with the challenges of the past year in "responding to four major crises in South Sudan, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Syria, while trying to maintain protection and assistance and ideally some durable solutions for tens of millions of other persons of concern."
    See More
    — at United Nations, Geneve.
  18. On the occasion of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the White House was illuminated in pink on October 1st. Read more on NBCAM: www.nbcam.org
    Photo: On the occasion of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the White House was illuminated in pink on October 1st. Read more on NBCAM: www.nbcam.org
  19. The U.S. Mission was happy to host the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and guest speakers Director General Julia Marton- Lefévre and Ambassador Choi Seokyoung of the Republic of Korea who briefed guests on the outcome of the recent World Conservation Congress.
    Photo: The U.S. Mission was happy to host the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and guest speakers Director General Julia Marton- Lefévre and Ambassador Choi Seokyoung of the Republic of Korea who briefed guests on the outcome of the recent World Conservation Congress.
    Photo: The U.S. Mission was happy to host the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and guest speakers Director General Julia Marton- Lefévre and Ambassador Choi Seokyoung of the Republic of Korea who briefed guests on the outcome of the recent World Conservation Congress.
    Photo: The U.S. Mission was happy to host the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and guest speakers Director General Julia Marton- Lefévre and Ambassador Choi Seokyoung of the Republic of Korea who briefed guests on the outcome of the recent World Conservation Congress.
    Photo: The U.S. Mission was happy to host the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and guest speakers Director General Julia Marton- Lefévre and Ambassador Choi Seokyoung of the Republic of Korea who briefed guests on the outcome of the recent World Conservation Congress.
  20. Reception in honor of Americans working at Geneva's international organizations hosted by Ambassador Betty E. King — at U.S. Mission Geneva.

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