Development & Humanitarian Aid

U.N. Workers in Syria Are Heroic, State Dept. Official Says


Aid workers are risking their lives, and doing so with international aid financed in part by the United States, to help Syrians suffering from the brutality of the Asad regime.

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Access Critical to Meet Humanitarian Needs of Syrian People

To Meet Immediate Needs of the Syrian People, Access is Paramount By Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, & Humanitarian Assistance February 11, 2013 This blog post by Nancy Lindborg, assistant administrator for USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, was originally published in the Huffington Post on February 11. There are no republication restrictions [...]

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U.S. Contributes an Initial $171 Million to the UN Refugee Agency

This year’s initial contribution funded through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will support UNHCR efforts worldwide.

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Fact Sheet on U.S. Government Aid to Syria

The United States supports the Syrian people’s aspirations for a Syrian-led transition to a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful Syria.

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U.S. Iran Sanctions Exempt Food, Medicine, Remittances


U.S. sanctions have been steadily tightening on Iran as a result of the Iranian government’s continued failure to live up to its international obligations regarding its nuclear and ballistic missile activities.

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Bangladesh Business Expands by Training and Employing Women


In the village of Ukhiya in Bangladesh, two entrepreneurs are expanding their business by bringing women into their workforce, using lessons learned from a U.S. government–sponsored business leadership program.

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Child Survival Rates Focus of National Summit in India


Boosting child survival rates will be the focus of a national summit in Mahabalipuram, India, February 7–9 that will bring together more than 200 delegates ranging from policymakers and representatives of development agencies to global health practitioners and civil society members.

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Syrian Humanitarian Effort Strives to Meet Need, U.S. Says


The international humanitarian community is using every available channel to assist more than 760,000 refugees who have fled violence in their country and some 2.5 million others who remain in Syria, displaced from their homes, facing shortages and hardship wrought by the almost 2-year-old uprising.

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Kuwait, U.S., U.N. Show Global Solidarity in Humanitarian Effort


An international pledging conference in Kuwait January 30 allowed attending nations to show “global solidarity” in support of humanitarian needs for Syrians, according to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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Biden’s European Trip to Include Discussions on Syria, Mali

Vice President Biden is traveling to Germany, France and the United Kingdom February 1–5. He will attend the Munich Security Conference and discuss the conflict in Syria, as well as U.S. support for military action by France and the 15-nation Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to take back northern Mali from armed Islamist rebels.

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