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DAU Courses
TTC 019 Supervisory Contracting: Refresh & Reboot
(Last Modified:28-Jan-2013)



Provides a senior level overview course for contracting supervisors and leaders. Discusses FAR concepts such as Contracting Authority, Inherently Governmental, etc. Understand the FAR requirements for the Contracting Officer to include Earned Value Management in some contracts and thus the need to understand this tool. Provides opportunities for senior leaders to readdress and/or discuss again the tools learned in many of the Level I and II courses such as change management, communication tools such as elevator briefings, risk issues of contractor employees in the workplace, risk management, collaboration, and many other topics used to leave participants with actual products to implement in their workplaces.
  • By the end of the four variant, participants will discuss the critical elements of FAR principles such as roles, authority, and responsibility. More importantly, participants will leave the workshop with actual work products to implement in their workplaces.
  • Understanding the effect of Recent DoD Initiatives to our personnel, resources, and policies
  • Managing the ethical hurdles of contractors in the workplace
  • Using the 7 Norms of Collaboration
  • Producing Brown Bag Training Sessions quickly and effectively
  • Understanding the Contractor – the capture manager, determination to compete, etc
  • Managing the Program Manager/Contracting Officer roles,– the essential need for the PM and CO to work side-by-side
  • Using Risk Management in contracting
  • Understanding Earned Value Management
  • Discussing the relationship between Better Buying Power (BBP) and automated tools and innovated processes
  • Providing a hands on use of Automated Requirements Roadmap Training (ARRT) and to award a performance based acquisition
  • Target Attendees
    Supervisors previously certified Level III in Contracting. A one day variant is available for executive leadership in contracting (General Officers (GO), Flag Officers (FO), Senior Executive Service (SES) Civilians); for the variant, customers select the modules desired.
    Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    None None None None
    Course Length
    4 days (Contracting Supervisors/Level III certified in Contracting); 1 day for GO/FO/SES
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Targeted Training
    Equivalent Courses N/A
    ACE Recommended Credits N/A
    PDS Code N/A
    Additional Public Information N/A
    Continuing Education Units   0
    Continuous Learning Points  28
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • This is a Fee for Service on-site course delivered for requesting organizations after coordination between the organizations representative and the appropriate DAU representative. DAU charges a standard fee for the “off-the-shelf” delivery of the selected course plus instructor(s) travel and per diem as may be required to support the request. Organizations desiring modifications to the “off-the-shelf” design may incur additional fees.
  • To inquire about or request this course for your organization, click the Apply for Course button in the upper right corner.
  • The CLPs referenced above presume off-the-shelf delivery.
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