View Reserve Points


This topic provides the procedure for viewing reserve retirement points for users with Command or SPO access.


Self-Service users should follow the procedure in the View My Reserve Points topic.


Key Points

The totals in the "Total Qualifying Service" and "Total Points" reflect points earned as of the date in the  “Total Calculated as of date” field.  (That date will always be whatever anniversary year ended prior to the current date.)


If you see this error message  “Points have not computed since [date]  and may be in error”, an invalid condition has put the member's account in compute error. Alert your SPO, if you are an SPO user, notify PPC. The member's  points statement will not update until the error condition is corrected.


The "20 Year Letter Date" field will be blank if the member has not completed 20 years of satisfactory service for retirement purposes. The 20 year letter will not be sent if the account is in compute error.


Reservists who find discrepancies on their point statement shall send a request for correction with supporting documents via the chain of command to their SPO. In cases where the SPO cannot resolve, the SPO shall provide meaningful endorsement with any additional supporting documents available and forward the request to PPC (ses).


Start Internet Explorer, sign into Direct-Access (note, see the Signing In topic in the Using Direct-Access section if you need help getting started) and follow these steps to complete this procedure.




Select menu items in the following order (note, see the Basic Navigation topic for help on using menus):


MyPortalDirect: From the Enterprise Menu, expand the "Administer Workforce (GBL) " link and select "Inquire" , "View Reserve Points"



The Reserve Points page will display:

The DA Reserve Points Page


The Points Summary page provides a row of data for each anniversary year.  The current year is displayed. Click the "View All" link to display additional rows.

Reserve Points Summary Expanded

  • The Begin and End date columns are the anniversary year dates.

  • The Statement Issued column reflects the date the paper points statement  was prepared. Paper statements are normally issued 3 months after the end of the last month of the  anniversary year. Paper points statements are not issued for points earned in other branches, this includes Coast Guard active duty.

  • The Service Code Branch column displays the branch of service.

  • The Total Qual Svc column shows the qualifying service for the anniversary year in YYMMDD format. It will display "000000" for the current year. The field is not updated until the end of the anniversary year.

  • The Total Pts column shows the total reserve points earned in the anniversary year (before adjustment for maximum allowable non-active duty points). It will display "0" for the current year. The field is not updated until the end of the anniversary year.


Click the Points Detail tab to view additional information.

Points Detail

  • The IDT Pts column displays points earned for inactive duty training drills. One point for each authorized single IDT drill performed in a pay or a non-pay status. Two points for each authorized multiple IDT drill performed in a pay or non-pay status.

  • The RMP Pts column displays points earned for readiness management periods (RMP). One point for each authorized RMP performed in a pay or a non-pay status.

  • The Mbrship Pts column displays points earned for membership in an active status. 15 points for each anniversary year. Pro-rated in the case of less than a fully AY.

  • The Correspdnce Course Pts column displays points earned for completion of approved correspondence or distance learning courses (See for listing of approved courses or contact CG 131 for non-approved courses).

  • The Total Non Adj Pts column displays total of membership points, inactive duty (includes IDT, and RMP but does not include FHD) points and correspondence course points.

  • The Adj Pts column displays the adjusted subtotal of non-active ducty and non-FHD duty points creditable for retirement pay calculation purposes. The maximum points are:

    • 60 for any AY ending prior to 23 Sep 1996

    • 75 for any AY beginning on or after 23 Sep 1996 and ending prior to 30 Oct 2000

    • 90 for any AY beginning on or after 30 Oct 200 and ending prior to 30 Oct 2007

    • 130 for any AY beginning on or after 30 Oct 2007.

  • The Funeral Duty column displays points earned for funeral honors duty. One point for each authorized FHD period performed in a pay on a non-pay status.

  • The Rsv Active Duty Pts column displays points earned for performance of active duty (Includes EAD, ADT, ADOS and recalls to AD under Title 10 or 14 U.S.C). One point per day of active duty.

  • The Reg Active Duty Pts column displays points earned as a member of the active component. One point per day active duty.


Exit the system (sign out) or select another menu item.