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Coal and Power Systems
Major Demonstrations

For the past 25 years, DOE/NETL has been co-funding large-scale demonstrations of clean coal technologies to hasten their adoption into the commercial marketplace. Federal Government financial support is needed to help reduce the risks inherent in these first-of-a-kind projects. Read more!

Large-scale clean coal demonstrations projects have been implemented via four distinct DOE programs. The first large-scale demonstration program began in 1986. Thirty-three projects were completed under this program entitled, Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program (CCTDP). The second program, Power Plant Improvement Initiative (PPII) resulted in four completed projects. All projects for these two programs are now finished. The Industrial Carbon Capture and Sequestration (ICCS): Area 1 and Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) programs include four completed projects and 10 active projects. DOE/NETL funding commitment for these programs has exceeded $3.4 billion and the industrial partners have committed an additional $11.3 billion; representing over 75 percent of the overall project funding.

These Major Demonstrations are a key part of an integrated research, development and demonstration (RD&D) program that contribute to DOE's strategic theme of "Promoting America's energy security through reliable, clean, and affordable energy."

Through the year 2030, electricity consumption in the United States is expected to grow by about 1 percent per year. The ability of coal-fired generation to help meet this demand could be limited by concerns over greenhouse gas emissions. While the Major Demonstrations performed to date have made significant contributions related to environmental performance and efficiency, the greatest challenges may lie ahead from restrictions on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. To address these concerns, the focus of DOE/NETL's most recent efforts is on carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies.

In the near-term, coal will continue to provide the majority of our Nation's baseload generation capacity. If DOE/NETL CCS-related technology demonstrations prove to be as successful as previous endeavors, economical solutions to the control of carbon emissions will be found and our Nation will continue to benefit from coal's competitive stature and the security of its domestic availability. Collapse Text

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Since 1985, we have shared in the funding of commercial-scale demonstration projects under four distinct programs:

ICCS Industrial Carbon Capture and Sequestration (ICCS): Area 1
ICCS demonstration's objective is to expedite and carry out large-scale testing of CO2 sequestration systems in a range of geologic formations, including the expansion of CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) to new settings, while providing information on the cost and feasibility of deployment of sequestration technologies. 
CCPI Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI)
CCPI began in 2002 to address an array of domestic and global energy issues through a series of demonstrations that are ongoing.
PPII Power Plant Improvement Initiative (PPII)
PPII demonstrations specifically address electric power reliability concerns for new and existing power plants.
CCTDP Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program (CCTDP)
CCTDP produced 33 successfully completed projects in four focus areas: environmental control devices, advanced power generation, fuel processing, and industrial applications.

Highlights of Major Demonstrations
Highlights of Major Demonstrations.
Click image above to view.