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Netlognews January 2013
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Researching the Climate Change Implications of Methane Hydrates
What role do methane hydrates play in the global carbon cycle? How might Earth's vast stores of hydrates respond to a warming climate?  What impacts could large-scale gas hydrate dissociation have on the world's environment?  Working with other federal agencies and academia, NETL seeks to answer these and other vexing questions about methane hydrates or "fire ice." Read about this research in the latest edition of Environment Coastal & Offshore magazine here.  Browse the entire edition here.
Fossil Energy-Developed Fuel Cell Technology Being Adapted by Navy for Advanced Unmanned Undersea Vehicles
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology being developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for coal-based central power generation is being adapted by the U.S. Office of Naval Research for use in advanced unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs).
DOE-Supported Project Advances Clean Coal, Carbon Capture Technology
Researchers at The Ohio State University (OSU) have successfully completed more than 200 hours of continuous operation of their patented Coal-Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) technology - a one-step process to produce both electric power and high-purity carbon dioxide (CO2). The test, led by OSU Professor Liang-Shih Fan, represents the longest integrated operation of chemical looping technology anywhere in the world to date.
New Set of Computational Tools and Models Expected to Help Enable Rapid Development and Deployment of Carbon Capture Technologies
An eagerly anticipated suite of 21 computational tools and models to help enable rapid development and deployment of new carbon capture technologies is now available from the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI). The toolset developed by CCSI, a public-private partnership led by the Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory, will help meet an urgent need by industry to take carbon capture concepts from the laboratory to the power plant more quickly, at lower cost and with reduced risk.
Breakthrough Large-Scale Industrial Project Begins Carbon Capture and Utilization
A breakthrough carbon capture, utilization, and storage project in Texas has begun capturing carbon dioxide and piping it to an oilfield for use in enhanced oil recovery. The project at Air Products and Chemicals hydrogen production facility in Port Arthur, Texas, is significant for demonstrating both the effectiveness and commercial viability of CCUS technology as an option in helping mitigate atmospheric CO2 emissions.
New Agreement Makes Innovative NETL Simulator Training Available to Pierpont Students
Community and technical college students in West Virginia will learn about the safe, efficient, and reliable operation of clean energy plants utilizing unique simulator based training in a new agreement signed with the Office of Fossil Energy?s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).
NETL's New Supercomputer Ranks Among the World's Top 100
One of the world?s fastest, most energy-efficient supercomputers ? expected to help energy researchers discover new materials, optimize designs and better predict operational characteristics ? is up and running at the Office of Fossil Energy?s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) in Morgantown, W.Va.
DOE's Carbon Utilization and Storage Atlas Estimates at Least 2,400 Billion Metric Tons of U.S. CO2 Storage Resource
The United States has at least 2,400 billion metric tons of possible carbon dioxide (CO2) storage resource in saline formations, oil and gas reservoirs, and unmineable coal seams, according to a new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) publication.
DOE's AVESTAR Center to Expand Research, Training Opportunities
A simulator that can provide future engineers with realistic, hands-on experience for operating advanced natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants will soon be available at an innovative U.S. Department of Energy training center.
DOE, Invensys Operations Management to Develop, Deploy Operator Training System
A new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) cooperative research and development agreement to develop, test, and deploy a dynamic simulator and operator training system (OTS) could eventually help commercialize important carbon capture technologies at the nation's power plants.
Research Projects Addressing Technical Challenges to Environmentally Acceptable Shale Gas Development Selected by DOE
Fifteen research projects aimed at addressing the technical challenges of producing natural gas from shales and tight sands, while simultaneously reducing environmental footprints and risks, have been selected to receive a total of $28 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy?s Office of Fossil Energy (FE).
Pittsburgh a Smart, Sustainable Showcase for 6,000 Chemical Engineers
Despite a brewing hurricane, chemical engineers from all over the world blew into Pittsburgh for the highly successful American Institute of Chemical Engineers' 2012 Annual Meeting, at which NETL organized one of the key energy-related topical conferences.
DOE Approves Field Test for Promising Carbon Capture Technology
A promising post combustion membrane technology that can separate and capture 90 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from a pulverized coal plant has been successfully demonstrated and received Department of Energy (DOE) approval to advance to a larger-scale field test.
Carbon Storage Partner Completes First Year of CO2 Injection Operations in Illinois
A project important to demonstrating the commercial viability of carbon capture, utilization and storage technology has completed the first year of injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) from an industrial plant at a large-scale test site in Illinois.
Ohio State Develops Game-Changing CO2 Capture Membranes in DOE-Funded Project
In a project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy?s Office of Fossil Energy (FE), researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a groundbreaking new hybrid membrane that combines the separation performance of inorganic membranes with the cost-effectiveness of polymer membranes. The breakthrough technology has vast commercial potential for use at coal-fired power plants with carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), a key element in national efforts to mitigate climate change.
Platinum/Chromium-Based Stents Approved for Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease
A new stent that incorporates an innovative metal alloy developed by scientists at Boston Scientific Corporation and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has received European approval for use in the treatment of certain peripheral arterial diseases. Initially developed for use as a coronary stent, the new PROMUS ELEMENT? PLUS BTK drug-eluting stent system is designed for treatment of critical limb ischemia, a severe obstruction of arteries within the extremities which reduces blood flow and can damage tissues. Restoring and maintaining peripheral blood flow in these patients is critical for proper tissue repair, and reduces the risk of limb amputation.

The Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy typically manages more than 500 active research and development projects spanning a wide range of coal, petroleum and natural gas topics. You can access information on each of these projects from the Fossil Energy Online Project Database.

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