Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

Location: 12th Floor West Side
Hours: 0730 - 1600 Monday - Friday
Phone: (706) 787-3673/5392
Fax: (706) 787- 5588
DSN: 773-3673/5392

Service Overview

The ASAP is the treatment of outpatient alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment facility designed for assessments, short-term and long-term treatment to include individual, group counseling, and special needs (Relapse Prevention and Women’s groups) for patients with an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Master’s level licensed professional counselors who are also certified in addiction counseling perform the assessments.

Mission Statement

The mission of the ASAP is to provide comprehensive alcohol and drug evaluations and outpatient treatment to active duty military personnel and Department of the Army Civilians returning them to effective duty.

Patient Information

Services are available for all active duty personnel within the Ft. Gordon catchment area. Self-referrals are welcome. Referrals to civilian programs (TRICARE approved) are coordinated for retirees and family members.