BOEM Fact Sheets

Marine Minerals Program – BOEM is tasked with managing the extraction of offshore minerals from America's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). While the largest component of this extraction is exploration and development of oil and gas resources, the bureau is also responsible for "non-energy minerals" (primarily sand and gravel) excavated from the ocean floor.

BOEM Fact Sheet – BOEM has created a fact sheet that covers the organizational structure, missions and responsibilities of the new bureau.

Reforms Fact Sheet  – In response to the Deepwater Horizon explosion and resulting oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Department of the Interior instituted the most aggressive and comprehensive reforms to offshore oil and gas regulation and oversight in U.S. history. This fact sheet outlines the efforts to increase the safety of offshore energy exploration and development.

Reorganization Fact Sheet  – The reorganization of the former Minerals Management Service was designed to remove the complex and sometimes conflicting missions of the agency by providing the two new bureaus with clear and focused missions and responsibilities. This fact sheet outlines the efforts that went into the reorganization, new reforms and the formation of BOEM and BSEE.

BOEM & BSEE Responsibilities Guide  – The Department of Interior created two new, independent agencies to carry out the offshore energy management and enforcement functions of the Department. This fact sheet outlines the detailed responsibilities of each bureau.

Exploration and Development Plan Approval and Plan Status Fact Sheet  – Exploration and Development Plans both require the submittal of complex information and there are many reasons that an application may not be deemed submitted or require an amendment or modification after it is deemed submitted. This fact sheet reviews the approval process and plan status definitions.

Exploration Plan Flow Chart  – BOEM has created a simplified flowchart outlining the approval process for an exploration plan, which involves reviews by BOEM and various federal and state agencies.

Development Plan Flow Chart  – BOEM has created a simplified flowchart outlining the approval process for a development plan, which involves reviews by BOEM and various federal and state agencies.

Renewable Energy Fact Sheet   – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's offshore renewable energy program was established to grant leases, easements, and rights-of-way for orderly, safe, and environmentally responsible renewable energy development activities on the OCS. This fact sheet highlights the bureaus offshore renewable energy responsibilities and leasing process.

Environmental Studies Program Fact Sheet - BOEM funds ocean research through the Environmental Studies Program to provide science in support of management decisions. A fact sheet is currently being developed that will outline the breadth of research that currently extends from deep-sea coral communities to following ocean surface currents.