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Collected below are floor debates (Senate debate while in Executive Session), votes, hearing transcripts and Senate statements (statements made about the nominees outside of Executive Session) of four Supreme Court nominees which were not confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Please note that these documents are in PDF format and some can be very large in size.

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Nominee Nominated Result Documents Nominated by / Replacement for
Harriet E. Miers 10/07/2005 10/27/2005 Withdrawn George W. Bush / Sandra Day O'Connor
John G. Roberts** 07/29/2005 09/06/2005 Withdrawn; see Confirmed for Chief Justice documents George W. Bush / Sandra Day O'Connor
Robert H. Bork 07/01/1987 10/23/1987 Floor Debates
Floor Vote
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
-Part 4
-Part 5
Senate Floor Statements
Ronald Reagan / Lewis F. Powell
G. Harrold Carswell 01/19/1970 04/08/1970 Floor Debates
Floor Vote
Senate Floor Statements
Richard M. Nixon / Abe Fortas
Clement F. Haynsworth 08/21/1969 11/21/1969 Floor Debates
Floor Vote
Senate Floor Statements
Richard M. Nixon / Abe Fortas
Homer Thornberry 06/26/1968 No action Floor Debates - none
Floor Vote - none
-Part 1A
-Part 1B
-Part 2
Senate Floor Statements
Lyndon B. Johnson / Abe Fortas

** Withdrawn as nominee for Associate Justice; nominated to Chief Justice on September 6, 2005.

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Last Updated: 07/19/2012