Marine Mammals and Turtle Science-Page Under Construction

Population assessments provide the foundation for evaluating status of and threats to marine mammals and sea turtles Read More...
Aiming to better understand how marine animals use sound and the potential impacts of man-made noise on the underwater environment. Read More...
Understanding climate change impacts on living marine resource distribution and occurrence patterns is a High Priority for NOAA Fisheries Read More...
Conducting ship-based or aerial surveys is critical to achieving our population assessment goals. Read More...
NOAA is committed, under its Healthy Oceans Goal, to two objectives directly related to protected species science and management Read More...
For information on other protected species under NOAA Fisheries jurisdiction, please visit the following websites:Read More...

Whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, manatees, walruses, sea otters, and even the polar bear are considered marine mammals. These animals evolved from various terrestrial ancestors to re-inhabit aquatic environments to differing degrees.  

Turtles, on the other hand, are reptiles, related to lizards, snakes, alligators and the now extinct dinosaurs.  These animals also evolved from land based ancestors to a more aquatic lifestyle taking advantage of the resources of the marine environment.  

Many species of marine mammals and turtles have endured human exploitation for centuries and are currently exposed to threats from man’s activities.  Read More...

About Us

The Protected Species Science Program (PSSP), along with the NOAA Fisheries Science Centers, provides the science necessary to support and inform management decisions. Read More...


The PSSP manages two principal databases: Protected Species Incidental Take (PSIT) and the Protected Resources – Species Information System (PR-SIS). Read More...

Publications & Reports

NOAA Fisheries OPR Publications

SEFSC’s Turtle Publications

SEFSC’s Mammal Publications

Coming Soon - Sea Turtle and Acoustics Project Reports