Help FYSB Mark National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

The Family and Youth Services Bureau, or FYSB, will mark National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in February, along with the White House, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and other federal partners. Young women in their teens and early twenties face the highest rates of violence and sexual assault.

As part of the government’s overall efforts, FYSB’s Family Violence Prevention and Services Program works with states, Tribes and community-based organizations to raise awareness of dating violence and promote ways to end it. In addition, FYSB’s Division of Adolescent Development and Support promotes healthy relationships among young people through its adolescent pregnancy prevention and runaway and homeless youth programs.

“Many of the groups of young people we work with are at high risk for becoming victims of teen dating violence and sexual assault,” says Debbie Powell, FYSB’s deputy associate commissioner. “National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month is an opportunity to consolidate the efforts of everyone working on this important issue throughout our government and our nation’s communities.”

To learn more about National Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month and to get the facts about teen dating violence, visit

Here are some other resources on teen dating violence:

National Dating Abuse Helpline

Phone: 1-866-331-9474, or visit: 

TTY: 1-866-331-8453

SMS: Text "loveis" to 77054

Live chat: Go to the Love Is Respect website

1 is 2 Many, a White House Campaign to end violence against young women

Teen Dating Violence Web page from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Relationship Web page from