Public Affairs Guidance for the Phantom Distro Program
Visit the Phantom Distro homepage at: 
Phantom Logo

Before submitting a Phantom Distro, take a moment to review the following submission, approval and distribution guidelines.

Phantom Distro is a system that empowers Fort Hood leaders and community members to employ web technology to inform the community of significant events. It’s meant to augment the Sentinel (Fort Hood’s newspaper), cable TV (Commander’s Access Channel 10) and publicity through MWR, AAFES and other command information channels.

PAO has the Phantom Distro Lead
The Fort Hood Public Affairs Office is your point of contact for all Phantom Distros. The PAO and the NEC are the only entities on post authorized to publish Phantom Distros to the Fort Hood website (, or send them via e-mail through the post local area network (LAN).

Announcements important to the Fort Hood community as a whole should be sent for consideration by completing the online submission form. This includes any Fort Hood organization, with private entities being considered on a case-by-case basis.  The PAO will assess the appropriateness of each message based on security, accuracy, propriety and policy. 

Once approved, it will be automatically posted to the Fort Hood website.

Phantom Distro Guidance Picture

Announcements that don’t have a Fort Hood community-wide impact should be distributed through other outlets.

Types of Requests
Routine requests for Phantom Distro messages should be sent to the PAO at least a week prior to the release date. Urgent requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Submitting a Phantom Distro
Simply click on the Submit Event or Submit an Advisory tab on the Phantom Distro webpage. Fill out the form as completely as possible and us an informative e-mail subject title to catch the reader’s attention. You may also upload an attachment with the posting.

Phantom Distros should be limited to one posting per event, except in rare cases when additional emphasis is deemed necessary. Exceptions will be granted on a case by case basis.

Approval Process
Each Public Affairs Office on post is responsible for reviewing Phantom Distro requests from their subordinate units. The Fort Hood PAO will approve all messages for units that don’t have a full time PAO.

Garrison directors – or agency heads – should approve inputs for their respective organizations. However, the III Corps PAO reserves the right to disapprove all submissions.

Other Exceptions
  • Distinguished Visitors – The Fort Hood PAO will approve any message that mentions the presence of distinguished visitors. Such visitors include all general officers, SES civilians, Congressional representatives and national celebrities.
  • The Garrison Chaplain’s office will approve messages for religious events.
  • The Fort Hood Staff Judge Advocate may be asked to review messages related to charity fundraising, membership drives, survey solicitation and any messages promoting private groups or organizations.
  • Messages for changes of command events should be announced via Phantom Distro for battalion-level or higher organizations only.
Still have questions?
Address them, along with any other comments, concerns, or suggestions to the PAO via e-mail at: and we’ll try to respond as quickly as possible. Communication is a two-way street. Please let us know what you think.