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Cultural Heritage

Our cultural heritage mission focuses on improving Iraqi capacity and contributing to international efforts to preserve Iraqi cultural heritage and protect archeological antiquities, rehabilitate Iraqi museums, and assist Iraq in recovering and restoring its smuggled artifacts through projects such as the Future of Babylon Project and measures taken pursuant to the U.S. Emergency Protection for Iraqi Cultural Antiquities Act of 2004 as outlined in the Strategic Framework agreement between the United States and the Republic of Iraq. In particular, we have developed programs to expand the professional skills of Iraqi archaeologists, conservators and museum specialists, and improve the venues where they work. By doing so, we promote the establishment of long-lasting professional relationships between Iraq’s cultural heritage community and international institutions in the United States and around the world.

We have developed, funded, and are administering specific capacity-building and preservation projects including the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project (ICHP), the Future of Babylon Project and the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP).

We engage in Advocacy and Capacity Building; conducting cultural heritage awareness campaigns and media outreach; participate in international working groups related to cultural heritage; participate in archaeological site assessments; support the professional development of cultural heritage professionals; nominate qualified Iraqis for the US government International Visitors Leadership and Exchange Programs, and provide collections, equipment and professional development support to Government of Iraq organizations that fall under the authority of the Ministry of Culture.  We also provide Guidance and Assistance to cultural heritage institutions.