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What about child care?

Warren's child development programs offer quality, affordable and conveniently located care to provide closely supervised play and developmental activities for children. Care is available weekdays on both a full-time and hourly basis. There is one child development center and many family child care homes on Warren. Located at 5000 Ft. Russell Way, the child development center provides care for children three months through five years from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays.
Professional child development center staff members are available to provide a safe and pleasant environment and create a mental and physical developmental program for children. Daily learning experiences include large and small motor development, manipulative skills, creative arts to include painting, music and movement, simple science and math, outdoor play, hygiene and self-help. Special activities and field trips are planned for special learning experiences.
Family child care, located at 1105 Wyoming Ave., offers an alternative form of childcare for parents who would like their children cared for in a home setting. Care is provided in military housing. Caregivers, who are licensed by the mission support group commander, go through a wide range of training and screening before approval is given for in-home care. Referral lists for in-home providers may be obtained from a variety of agencies on base such as family child care, the child development center or community support. For more information call the child development center at 773-3221 or family child care at 773-3317.

What about youth programs?

The hub of youth activity at Warren is the youth center and the youth annex where youth can participate in before and after school programs, summer camp and recreational and sports programs.
The before- and after-school and summer camp programs, held at the youth center, 1755 Piute Ave, offer a variety of social and instructional activities in a new modern center. As a National School Age Care Alliance accredited program, the highest priority is placed on each child's health, safety and recreational needs. Children have the opportunity to play, work on computers, develop skills, do homework and participate in organized activities.
The youth sports program offers a wide array of organized sports including roller hockey, basketball, cheerleading, baseball, tennis and golf lessons, martial arts and flag football for children five through 18 years old. All coaches are trained and certified by the National Youth Sports Coaches Association.
As an affiliate of the Boys and Girls Club of America, youth programs at Warren offer the best in wholesome and worthwhile leisure time activities for the family members of active duty, retired military and civilian employees. Parent participation is highly encouraged. For more information call 773-2564.

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