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Preventive Medicine Department
Bldg 2777
Ph: 442-2650/2269
Hours: 0730 – 1630

In union with Reynolds Army Community Hospital, our mission is to ensure force health protection by preventing disease and promoting health in the workplace and community. We safeguard by reducing the risk of injury and disease, identifying treatable conditions at an early stage, and promoting a healthy personal lifestyle.


  • Occupational Health
  • Audiology
  • Army Public Health Nursing
  • Epidemiology & Disease Control
  • Environmental Health
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Biological and Chemical Surety
  • Hearing Program
  • Radiation Safety
  • Pine Bluff Arsenal Occupation Health Clinic
  • McAlester Army Ammunition Army Occupational Health Clinic

Occupational Health Clinic
Location 3rd floor, southwest corner of Bldg 4301

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 16:00

Thursday 1300-1600 Clinic is closed for administrative time.
Walk-ins for in/out processing are done every day except for Thursday.
Pregnancy Surveillance is done on a walk-in or appointment basis depending on the schedule.

Appointment Line: 558-2237
Fax: 558-2433

Prevention of Injury & Illness from Occupational Hazards
Occupational Health Education
Immunization Review & TB Skin Testing
Pre-placement/Pre-employment Examinations
Return to Work Evaluations
Medical Surveillance Examinations
Certifying Exams-DOT, Fitness for Duty
Job Site Visits/ Pregnancy Surveillance
Workers’ Compensation Injury/Illness Evaluation & Treatment
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Evaluations
Medical Case Management

We also service a variety of other services Workman’s comp, Birth month physicals, RedCross volunteers, Students and Contractors please call for an appointment. We will schedule you as soon as possible.

Mission Statement
RACH Occupational Health Clinic will provide prompt, convenient, and professional health services. We are committed to promote and maintain the physical and psychological well-being of our patients by managing health risks at work and utilize proactive health strategies.

Vision Statement
To improve the health and well –being of all employees through health education and workplace health promotion, resulting in the improvement of employee productivity, morale and injury prevention.

Audiology Clinic

Hours: 7:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday

Phone: (580) 558-2000

Location: 1st Floor, West end

Access: By referral

Soldiers in need of a hearing test should coordinate with their unit Hearing Conservation Officer to schedule an appointment. Results are provided on a same day basis. Routine audiology testing is available on a referral basis.

Army Public Health Nursing
Bldg 2777 Ph: 442-2609

Hours of Operation:
7:30 am - 16:30 pm

Army Public Health Nursing provides services in areas such as Epidemiology & Disease Control, Mother-Baby Program, HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infections, Latent Tuberculosis Infection/TB Program, and family safety and health information and education. Epidemiology & Disease control is concerned with identification, evaluation, control, and reporting of communicable diseases and other conditions of public health significance and command interest.

Environmental Health
Bldg 2775 Ph: 442-0160

Environmental Health has capabilities and activities necessary to anticipate, identify, assess, and control risks posed by environmental health hazards associated with Army activities and of immediate and delayed-onset disease and non-battle injuries (DNBI) to personnel. The scope of these capabilities addresses issues that impact soldiers, their families, and the civilian work force.


  • Food Establishment Inspections & Training
  • Drinking Water Surveillance
  • Hazardous and Regulated Medical Waste Management
  • Heat and Cold Injury Prevention
  • Food Borne Disease Outbreak Investigation
  • Pest Management and West Nile Virus Surveillance
  • Medical Threat Briefings

Industrial Hygiene
Bldg 2772
Hours 0730 - 1630

Industrial Hygiene: Science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or among the community.


Health Hazard Evaluations
- Inventory of Work Health Stressors
- Work Environment Monitoring
- Indoor Air Quality Investigations

Evaluation of Controls
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment

Respiratory Protection
- Respirator Training (Train-the-Trainer)
- Respirator Fit Testing

Ergonomic Education, Training, & Assessments

Building Design Reviews

Biological and Chemical Surety
The biological and Chemical Surety Office is dedicated to ensure continued compliance with all Departments of the Army, Major Army Commands and Community Surety inspections. Preventive Medicine's priority is the overall safety and wellbeing of the workers, residents, and local communities surrounding Pine Bluff Arsenal, and McAlester Army Ammunition Plant.

Hearing Program - Audiology
RACH, 1st floor Ph: 558-2235

The Fort Sill Hearing Program strives to prevent hearing loss and enhance communication for noise exposed personnel. The program has four major elements: hearing readiness, clinical hearing services, operational hearing services, and hearing conservation. Good hearing enables a soldier and/or civilian employee to maintain critical situational awareness and effective voice communication in any environment (i.e. garrison, industrial, training, operational and combat missions). Noise induced hearing loss is a significant negative personal, financial, and mission impact for our soldiers, civil service employees, and the Army. Hearing is a soldier’s most sophisticated sensor. We can HEAR the enemy long before we see the enemy!

Radiation Safety
Bldg 2775

Ensures that all MEDDAC/DENTAC activities utilizing radioactive materials/ionizing radiation producing devices (1) keep radiation doses to workers, patients, and the general public As Low As Reasonably Achievable, and (2) are in compliance with Federal and Army regulations regarding the use of radioactive material/ionizing radiation producing devices.

Pine Bluff Arsenal Occupational Health Clinic
Ph: 870-966-3405
Manages and improves the health of our community by providing comprehensive Occupational Health services, selected Primary Care services, Emergency Response, and Coordination of Additional Medical Support for the Pine Bluff Arsenal community in support of the chemical and biological defense testing mission.

McAlester Army Ammunition Plant Occupational Health Clinic
Ph: 918-420-7496
Manage and improve the health of our community by providing comprehensive Occupational Health services, selected Primary Care services, Emergency Response, and Coordination of Additional Medical Support for the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant community in support of the weapons production mission.

4301 Wilson Street Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503-78 | Phone: (580) 558-2800 or 558-2801 |

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This Web site provides information about Reynolds Army Community Hospital at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and it's subsidiary clinics.
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