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Eastern Bering Sea Group References

Gear Research:

Kotwicki, S. and Weinberg, K.L. 2005. Estimating capture probability of a survey bottom trawl for Bering Sea skates (Bathyraja spp.) and other fish. Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 11:135-145. Online

Kotwicki, S., De Robertis, A., Von Szalay, and P.G., Towler, R. 2009. The effect of light intensity on the availability of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to bottom trawl and echo-integration trawl surveys in the Eastern Bering Sea. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66:983-994.

Kotwicki, S., Weinberg, K.L. and Somerton, D.A. 2006. The effect of autotrawl systems on the performance of a survey trawl. Fish. Bull., 104:35-45. Online

Lauth, R.R., Ianelli, J., and Wakefield, W.W. 2004. Estimating the size selectivity and catching efficiency of a survey bottom trawl for thornyheads, Sebastolobus spp. Using a towed camera sled. Fish. Res., 70:27-37.

Lauth, R.R., S.E. Syrjala, and S. W. McEntire. 1998. Effects of gear modifications on the performance and catching efficiency of the west coast upper continental slope groundfish trawl. Mar. Fish. Rev. 60(1):1-26. Online

Lauth, R.R., Wakefield, W.W. and Smith, K. 2004. Estimating the density of thornyheads, Sebastolobus spp., using a towed video camera sled. Fish. Res. 70:39-48.

Munro, P.T. and Somerton, D.A. 2002. Estimating net efficiency of a survey trawl for flatfishes. Fish. Res. 55:267-279.

Nichol, D.G. Honkalehto, T., and Thompson, G.G. 2007. Proximity of Pacific cod to the sea floor: Using archival tags to estimate fish availability to research bottom trawls. Fish. Res. 86:129-135.

Rose, C.S. and Walters, G.E. Trawl width variation during bottom-trawl surveys: Causes and consequences. Publ. R.I. Sea Grant Coll. Program, pp.34-41.

Somerton, D.A. 2004. Do Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) lack a herding response to the doors, bridles, and mud clouds of survey trawls? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 61, 1186-1189.

Somerton, D.A. and Weinberg, K.L. 2001. The affect of speed through the water on footrope contact of a survey trawl. Fish Res. 53:17-24.

Somerton, D.A., Munro, P.T., and Weinberg, K.A. 2007. Whole-gear efficiency of a benthic survey trawl for flatfish. Fish. Bull. 105:278-291.

Von Szalay, P.G. and Somerton, D.A. 2005. The effect of net spread on the capture efficiency of a demersal survey trawl used in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Res. 74, 86-95.

Von Szalay, P.G., Somerton, D.A., and Kotwicki, S. 2007. Correlating trawl and acoustic data in the eastern Bering Sea: A first step toward improving biomass estimates of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) Fish. Res. 86:77-83.

Weinberg, K.L. and Somerton, D.A. 2006. Variation in trawl geometry due to unequal warp length. Fish. Bull., U.S., 104:21-34.

Weinberg, K.L. 2003. Change in the performance of a Bering Sea survey trawl due to varied trawl speed. Alaska Fish Res. Bull. 10: 42-49.

Weinberg, K.L., and Munro, P.T. 1999. The effect of artificial light on escapement beneath a survey trawl. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 56:266-274.

Weinberg, K.L., and S. Kotwicki. 2008. Factors influencing net width and sea floor contact of a survey bottom trawl. Fish. Res. 93:265-279.

Weinberg, K.L., Otto, R.S. and Somerton, D.A. 2004. Capture probability of a survey trawl for red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Fish. Bull. 102:740-749.

Weinberg, K.L., Somerton, D.A., and Munro, P.T. 2002. The effect of trawl speed on the footrope capture efficiency of a survey trawl. Fish. Res. 58, 303-313.

Zimmermann, M., Wilkins, M.E., Weinberg, K.L., Lauth, R.R., and Shaw, F.R. 2003. Influence of improved performance monitoring on the consistency of a bottom trawl survey. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 60:818-826.

Fish Systematics

Anderson, M.E., Stevenson, D.E., and Shinohara, G. In Prep. A Systematic review of the genus Bothrocara Bean, 1890 (Teleostei: Zoarcidae). Occ. Papers Cal. Acad. Sci.

Colway, C. and D.E. Stevenson. 2007. Confirmed records of two green sturgeon from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Northwestern Naturalist 88:188–192.

Csepp, D.J., and D.E. Stevenson. 2006. Morphology of the bigmouth manefish (Caristius macropus) from the eastern North Pacific. Northwestern Naturalist 87:247–252.

Hoff, G.R. 1999. Range extensions of 3 species of macrourids from the west coast of North America. Calif. Fish Game 85:113-117.

Hoff, G.R. 2002. New records of the Aleutian skate, Bathyraja aleutica from northern California. Cal. Fish. Game 88:145-148.

Hoff, G.R. 2002. New records of the slender Codling Halargyreus johnsonii Guenther, 1862 from the eastern Bering Sea, Alaska. Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 9:65-67.

Spies, I.B., Gaichas, S., Stevenson, D.E. Orr, J.W., and Canino, M.F. 2006. DNA-based identification of Alaska skates (Amblyraja, Bathyraja, and Raja: Rajidae) using cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coI) variation. J. Fish Biol. 69:283–292.

Stevenson, D.E. 2004. Identification of skates, sculpins, and smelts by observers in North Pacific groundfish fisheries (2002-2003). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-142, 67 p. Online

Stevenson, D.E. 2006. Stlegicottus xenogrammus Bolin, 1936 (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae), a junior synonym of Rastrinus scutiger (Bean, 1890). Copeia 2006:792–796.

Stevenson, D.E. and B.A. Sheiko. 2009. Clarification of the Lycodes diapterus species complex (Perciformes: Zoarcidae), with comments on the subgenus Furcimanus. Copeia 2009:125–137.

Stevenson, D.E. and M.E. Anderson. 2005. Bothrocara nyx: a new species of eelpout (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from the Bering Sea. Zootaxa 1094:53-64. Online

Stevenson, D.E. and Matarese, A.C. 2005. A revision of the North Pacific fish family Bathymasteridae (Perciformes: Zoarcoidei). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118:367–406.

Stevenson, D.E. and Orr, J.W. 2005. New records of two deepwater skate species from the eastern Bering Sea. Northwestern Naturalist 86:71–81.

Stevenson, D.E. and Orr, J.W. 2006. A new species of Lycodes (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from the Aleutian Islands. Copeia 2006:77-82.

Stevenson, D.E., and J.W. Orr. 2005. Recent contributions to the knowledge of the skates of Alaska. Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report Feature Article, Jan-Feb-Mar 2005:1–7. Online

Stevenson, D.E., J.W. Orr, G.R. Hoff, and J. D. McEachran. 2008. Emerging patterns of species richness, diversity, population density, and distribution in the skates (Rajidae) of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 106:24­–39. Online

Stevenson, D.E., Orr, J.W. Hoff, G.R., and McEachran, J. D. 2004. Bathyraja mariposa, a new species of skate (Rajidae: Arhynchobatinae) from the Aleutian Islands. Copeia 2004:304-313.

Stevenson, D.E., Orr, J.W., Hoff, G.R. and McEachran, J.D. 2007. Field Guide to Sharks, Skates and Ratfish of Alaska. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, 77 p.

Life History and Ecology

Britt, L.L., Loew, E.R., McFarland, W.N. 2001. Visual pigments in early life stages of Pacific Northwest fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 204:2581-2587.

Britt, L.L., McFarland, W.N. and Miller, B.S. 2002. Short wavelength vision in larval fishes: A feeding adaptation? In: T. Droscher, ed., Proceedings of the 2001 Puget Sound Research Conference. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Olympia, Washington.

Britt, L.L., McFarland, W.N., and Miller, B.S. In Prep. Chromatic action spectrum and shortwavelength feeding in larval lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus).

Buckley, T.W. and Kotwicki, S. In Review. Inferring metapopulation structure and biological processes from geographic distributions of large year classes of walleye pollock in the Eastern Bering Sea.

Drazen, J.C., Buckley, T.W., and Hoff, G.R. 2001. The feeding habits of slope dwelling macrourid fishes in the eastern North Pacific. Deep-Sea Res. (I Oceanogr. Res. Pap.) 48:909-935.

Gosnell, L.C., L.L. Britt, and R.M. MacIntosh. In Prep. Realized fecundity and incubation period confirmation of Pacific sandfish (Trichodon trichodon).

Hoff, G.R. 2000. Biology and ecology of threaded sculpin, Gymnocanthus pistilliger, in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 98:711-722.

Hoff, G.R. 2006. Biodiversity as an index of regime shift in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish .Bull. 104:226-237.

Hoff, G.R. 2007. Reproductive biology of the Alaska skate Bathyraja parmifera, with regard to nursery sites, embryo development and predation. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle. 161 pp.

Hoff, G.R. 2008. A nursery site of the Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera) in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 106:233-244. Online

Hoff, G.R. 2009. Embryo developmental events and the egg case of the Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica (Gilbert) and the Alaska skate Bathyraja parmifera (Bean). Journal of Fish Biology. 74, 483-501.

Hoff, G.R. 2009. Skate Bathyraja spp. egg predation in the eastern Bering Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. 74, 250-269.

Hoff, G.R. and Stevens, B. 2005. Faunal assemblage structure on the Patton Seamount (Gulf of Alaska, U.S.A.) Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 11:27-36.

Hoff, G.R., Buckley, T.W., Drazen, J.C., and Duncan, K.M. 2000. Biology and ecology of Nezumia liolepis and N. stegidolepis from the west coast of North America. J. Fish Biol. 57:662-680.

Kotwicki, S., Buckley, T.W., Honkalehto, T., and Walters, G. 2005. Variation in the distribution of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) with temperature and implications for seasonal migration. Fish. Bull.103:574-587. Online

Lauth, R.R. 1987. Spawning ecology and nesting behavior of the cabezon, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres), in Puget Sound, Washington. Online

Lauth, R.R., Blood, D.M. 2007. Description of embryonic development of Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). Fish. Bull. 105(4):560-570. Online

Lauth, R.R., Guthride, J., Nichol, D.G., McEntire, S.W. and Hillgruber, N. 2007. Timing and duration of mating and brooding periods of Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) in the North Pacific Ocean. Fish. Bull. 105(4):560-570. Online

Lauth, R.R., McEntire, S. and Zenger, H. 2007. Geographic distribution, depth range, and description of Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius nesting habitat in Alaska. Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 12(2):165-186. Online

Nichol, D.G. 1995. Spawning and maturation of female yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea. In Proceedings of the international flatfish symposium, October 1994, Anchorage, Alaska, p. 35-50. Univ. Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant Rep. 95-04.

Nichol, D.G. 1997. Effects of geography and bathymetry on growth and maturity of yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 95:494-503. Online

Nichol, D.G. 1998. Annual and between-sex variability of yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, spring-summer distributions in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 96:547-561. Online

Nichol, D.G. and Somerton, D.A. 2009. Evidence of the selection of tidal streams by northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) for transport in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 107:221-234. Online

Nichol, D.G., and Acuna, E.I. 2001. Annual and batch fecundities of yellowfin sole, Limanda aspera, in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish. Bull. 99:108-122. Online

Nichol, D.G., and Chilton, E.A. 2006. Recuperation and behavior of Pacific cod after barotrauma suffered during tagging processes. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 63:83-94.

Nichol, D.G., and Somerton, D.A. 2002. Diurnal vertical migration of Atka mackerel, Pleurogrammus monopterygius, as shown by archival tags. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 239:193-207.

Walters, G.E. and Wilderbuer, T.K. 2000. Decreasing length at age in a rapidly expanding population of northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea and its effect on management advice. J. Sea Res. 44:17-26.

Wilderbuer, T.K., Walters, G.E., Bakkala, R.G. 1992. Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, of the eastern Bering Sea: Biological characteristics, history of exploitation, and management. Mar. Fish. Rev. 54:1-18.

Yokoyama, S., Tada, T., Zhang, H. & Britt, L 2008. Elucidation of phenotypic adaptations: molecular analyses of dim-light vision proteins in vertebrates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105(36) 13480-13485.

Zhang, C.I., Wilderbuer, T.K. and Walters, G.E. 1998. Biological characteristics and fishery assessment of Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, in the eastern Bering Sea. Mar. Fish. Rev. 60:16-27.

Zimmermann, M. and Goddard, P. 1996. Biology and distribution of arrowtooth, Atheresthes stomias, and Kamchatka, A. evermanni flounders in Alaskan waters. Fish. Bull. 94:358-370.

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