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Electronic Sample Request Form
for Groundfish and Shellfish Assessment Surveys

The RACE Groundfish and Shellfish Assessment Programs annually receive and accommodate numerous sampling requests for the collection of biological specimens and instrument data on our bottom trawl surveys. As a government research and survey program responsible for annual offshore surveys of finfish and invertebrate resources, we strive to assist internal and external investigators whenever possible. During each of these surveys, we maintain a prioritized list of biological sampling and accepted internal and external requests will be incorporated into the overall cruise priorities.

All sampling requests should be submitted electronically via our web-based form. If this is not possible, please contact for assistance. Prior to submitting a sampling request, please review our program requirements and restrictions. Click Here.

To submit a sampling request for a particular survey, click on the appropriate link below. Please review the questions prior to accessing the web-based form. Click Here. After submission, you will receive an automated email reply indicating that your request has been successfully submitted. Your request will be evaluated relative to other sampling priorities and you will be contacted directly if there are questions associated with the request. If your request is approved, every effort will be made, but not guaranteed, to secure requested samples.

The deadline for 2012 requests has passed. We are no longer accepting requests.

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