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Joint Based Expeditionary Connectivity Center Joint Based Expeditionary Connectivity Center

The Joint Based Expeditionary Connectivity Center (JBECC) team has extensive experience in providing 24/7 support in short notice Homeland Defense taskings not limited to but including; National Security Events (NSE), National Special Security Events (NSSE), POTUS protection, space shuttle launches, Super Bowl, G8 Summit, United Nations General Assembly, Mission Readiness Exercises (MRE), and other training events as required. [The JBECC is a HMMWV-based, highly mobile for rapid response communications node for integrated air defense for Operation NOBLE EAGLE (ONE) and other NSSEs, incorporating real time sensor data into NORAD's command and control systems.]

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AFNORTH exercise focuses on managing mayhem

The Eagle that crossed the road

CONR to protect the skies during Super Bowl XLVII

CONR to fly air defense exercise in preparation for Super Bowl XLVII

Maj. Gen. Etter nominated as Commander, First Air Force

113th reaches alert milestone

Talk about teamwork

Hotaling named next Air National Guard Command Chief

Lt. Gen. Clarke confirmed as Director, Air National Guard

CAP’s new governance structure fully implemented

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Air Force Rescue Coordination Center Airman named NORTHCOM Junior Enlisted Member of the Year

'Bosslift' sheds light on homeland defense mission

Ceremony commemorates 60 years of excellence

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1st Air Force/AFNORTH Public Affairs
1210 Beacon Beach Rd, Suite 221
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5549
(850) 283-8080
DSN 523-8080
Email: afnorthpa@tyndall.af.mil
Public Affairs does not act as an operator service or base locator. They do not have the capability to redirect incoming calls to other offices. Please contact the base operator for these services:

Tyndall Air Force Base: (850) 283-1110
DoD-wide: (703) 545-6700

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