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Image:  EnVision Default View Preview DefaultEnVision Default view and access to multiple research efforts.
U.S. Historical Oil & Gas Production: Historical Oil and Gas Production tools and geospatial data.
Western U.S. Geothermal Assessment Summary (Potential & Sites): Geothermal Sites, Potential, and geospatial data.
Geologic Map of North America: Formation information; KML, shapefiles, and geospatial data.
Image:  EnVision International Geology Preview International Geology: View surface geology around the globe.

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EnVision serves as a graphics-based internet portal and single point-of-entry for users to access energy maps and geospatial data.  It relies on a “dashboard” of pre-defined tools or widgets to customize and enhance user map displays and to expedite access to assemblages of maps and data (e.g NOGA, World Energy, and other project data packages).  EnVision is flexible and scalable; it works on multiple computer platforms and browsers and can grow to include new tools, data types, and energy commodity assets to the dashboard as research needs require.  Implemention of EnVision allows the Data Management Project and Energy Program to move another step closer to the one-stop shopping concept for access to the Program's data resources in a single portal.





Assessment Summary Widget


BCFG: Billion cubic feet of gas

BOE: Barrel of oil equivalent, 6,00 cubic feet of gas equals 1 barrel of oil equivalent

Conventional and Continuous Resources: Please see the following:

EG: Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Geothermal Energy: Energy extracted from heat stored in the earth

IR: Identified Geothermal Systems

MMBNGL: Million of barrels of natural gas liquids

MMBO: Million barrels of oil

MWe: Megawatts-electric

UR: Undiscovered Geothermal Resources

Technically Recoverable: Resources that, if found, could be produced using currently available technology and industry practices. This does not include reserves.

Widget: A modular software component providing specific functional capabilities within EnVision.

Assessment Summary Widget

Using this widget, users can obtain summaries of assessments conducted by the Energy Resources Program related to a variety of geologic energy resources including conventional or continous oil and gas, gas hydrates, coalbed gas, natural gas liguids, coal, and geothermal geologic energy resources. Representation of the summary within the widget varies depending on the resources being investigated. The following widget description represents an average display.

Assessment Summaries Widget

  1. Dropdown for selecting geologic energy resource
  2. Tools:
    Click Tool Used for activiting click functionality. Select this tool and click on a feature.
    Zoom Tool Zooms to assessment features.
    Clear Tool Clears display.
  3. Assessment summary values.
  4. Relative distribution of resource summary.
  5. Link to originating publication.
  6. Widget specific tools including display, further widget information, minimizing and closing tools.


Page Last Modified: Friday, October 05, 2012


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