Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 10th District

Mike Turner on National Security

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Missile Defense

My remarks on the House floor regarding the White House's veto threat over the inclusion of his New START Implementation Act's provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Turner Statement on Romanian Missile Defense Site
This decision is important for the defense of our NATO allies, and ultimately strengthens the defense of our homeland.

As Obama signs START treaty, a key House Republican announces aggressive stance on missile defense
Hours after President Obama signed the new START nuclear weapons treaty this morning, a key House Republican is voicing an aggressive stance on missile defense, a significant matter of dispute between the U.S. and Russia even as the treaty is days from becoming official.

Speaking on the House floor about the importance of funding necessary to maintain our nuclear weapons and facilities. This funding is currently being held up by the Democrats pending ratification of the START treaty.

Armed Services Committee Republicans Urge Senate Leaders to Delay Action on New START Treaty
Ranking Member Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), Strategic Forces Subcommittee Ranking Member Mike Turner and fourteen of their colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee today sent a letter to the top Democrat and Republican in the U.S. Senate urging them to delay a vote to ratify the New START Treaty until important security issues are addressed and resolved.

Last night I was interviewed on FoxNews about the extremely concerning developments surrounding North and South Korea. This situation shows us all why our national security must always be a top priority. With the current threats we face from Iran and North Korea and also from terrorist groups around the world, we must provide our military with the resources they need to accomplish their missions and protect our liberties. I hope you will join me this holiday in remembering those who are celebrating Thanksgiving away from their families as they serve our country.

Reps. McKeon and Turner Welcome NATO’s Commitment to Missile Defense
“The commitment NATO made today is an important step towards ensuring the alliance can respond to emerging security threats of the twenty-first century while also continuing to address traditional security concerns,” Rep. Turner said.

Turner Statement on Modified Missile Shield Deal between Poland and the United States
"I commend the Polish Government for signing the additional protocol to enable Poland to host the Phased Adaptive Approach Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) interceptors to protect our deployed troops, defend European allies and augment the protection of the U.S. homeland by 2020. I hope that the Polish parliament will ratify the BMD Agreement with this additional protocol soon,”

House Armed Services Committee Approves Turner Amendment To Strengthen U.S. Position vs. Adversaries
The House Armed Services Committee has approved an amendment offered by Congressman Mike Turner that makes clear the U.S. reserves the right to respond to any attack against this country “with any means necessary.”

Armed Services Committee: Nuclear Posture Review Weakens the National Security of the United States
The House Armed Services Committee voted to send a strong message to the Administration that it believes the recently-released Nuclear Posture Review weakens the national security of the United States by eliminating options to defend against a catastrophic nuclear, biological, chemical, or conventional attack against the United States.

Armed Services Committee Requires Comprehensive Plan on Administration’s Phased Adaptive Approach for Missile Defense
The House Armed Services Committee unanimously approved an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill that holds the Administration accountable for deploying a missile defense system in Europe to protect the U.S. homeland.

U.S. Policy Must Face the Reality of Nuclear Weapons Threat
But clearly, the Pentagon, the White House and our U.S. intelligence agencies must develop strategies to address nuclear proliferation by rogue actors when diplomacy and sanctions fail. We must address how the United States might contain Iran’s power if it decided to produce a weapon, and how to deal with the possibility that fuel or weapons could be obtained by one of the terrorist groups Iran has supported.

Rep. Turner Concerned Administration is Diminishing U.S. Nuclear Options
The House Armed Services Committee recently heard testimony from senior Administration officials on the Executive Branch’s nuclear weapons policies, posture, and force structure. Congressman Mike Turner focused his questions on the New START Treaty with Russia and the Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review.

McKeon, Turner Welcome the Release of Nuclear Posture Review
The top Republicans on the Armed Services Committee and the Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee today welcomed the release of the Administration’s delayed Nuclear Posture Review, a top-to-bottom review of the United States’ nuclear policies, capabilities, and requirements.

McKeon, Turner Respond to Announcement on New Nuclear Weapons Treaty with Russia
U.S. House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.) and Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee Ranking Member Mike Turner (R-Ohio) today released the following statement regarding the President’s announcement that the United States and Russia have reached an agreement on a new nuclear weapons treaty to build upon the 1990’s Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and 2002 Moscow Treaty.

NATO’s New Strategic Concept: A View from Capitol Hill
In a CEPA exclusive, Congressman Michael Turner, a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, considers the transformative potential of the Strategic Concept and its significance for NATO’s Central European member states.

McKeon, Turner Joint Statement on Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions
"A nuclear Iran threatens the security and stability of the Middle East and the rest of the world. With today's announcement, Tehran takes one step closer to a nuclear weapon.

Rep. Turner Commends Defense Secretary Gates Reversal and Plan to Complete Alaska Missile Defense Field
U.S. Representative Mike Turner today applauded Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ decision to reverse his elimination of Missile Field No. 2 at Fort Greely in Alaska.

On September 21, Congressman Turner addressed the 2009 Multinational Ballistic Missile Defense Conference in support of an effective North American and European-based missile defense system.

On October 21, Rep. Turner delivered the keynote speech during a Hudson Institute conference on the U.S. Strategic Posture.

Rep. Turner appears on MSNBCs Hardball with Chris Matthews opposing the Obama Administrations decision to abandon the planned European-based missile defense system.

Opening Remarks at 2009 Multinational Ballistic Missile Defense Conference
The focus of my remarks this morning is to provide a congressional perspective on missile defense; my reactions to recent missile defense decisions by the Obama Administration, including its announcement to scrap plans to deploy missile defense assets in Poland and the Czech Republic; and the implications of such decisions.

Turner Says Five-Year Gap in Protecting the United States from Iranian Nuclear Missile Attack is Unacceptable
U.S. Representative Michael R. Turner, Ranking Member on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, charged the Obama administration’s proposed new missile defense program with potentially leaving the United States vulnerable to an Iranian ICBM attack for a period of five years.

President Leaves America Vulnerable to Iranian ICBM Attack
President Obama’s decision to scrap a long-planned European-based missile defense shield was not only met with concern among our European allies, but more importantly, has sounded alarms here at home where the president’s action would leave the nation vulnerable to Iranian long-range missile attack.

Rep. Turner Calls for Declassification of Report on European Ballistic Missile Defense System
U.S. Representative Michael R. Turner today sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates requesting that a July 2008 report on the cost effectiveness of the planned European missile defense system be declassified. Since the Obama Administration’s decision to cancel the proposed system based on cost effectiveness is contrary to the recommendations of this report, Rep. Turner believes it is essential that the report be declassified for a robust debate on how best to deploy a missile defense system to protect the U.S. and its allies.

Turner Seeks to Strengthen American-European Security
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Founded in 1949 to provide for the collective security of the free nations of Europe, as well as the U.S. and Canada, the alliance helped keep the peace during the Cold War. Some 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO’s role as a stabilizing force is still necessary and should not be marginalized as the White House searches for new ways to court Moscow.

Mike Turner’s Statement on the Obama Administration’s Proposal to Abandon European Missile Defense System
Mike Turner, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee which has jurisdiction over our nation’s nuclear arsenal and missile defense systems, issued the following statement responding to the Obama Administration’s proposal to shelve the European ballistic missile defense system planned for deployment in Poland and the Czech Republic:

Missile Defense More Important Than Ever
Two weeks ago, America received a loud wake-up call from a rogue nation intent upon achieving a nuclear weapons capability. The timing of this event could not be more significant. This week the U.S. House begins drafting the new defense budget, and will consider whether or not to incorporate the Obama Administration’s request for deep cuts in missile defense capabilities that protect the U.S. homeland.

Rep. Turner’s Statement in Response to North Korea's July 4th Missile Launch
U.S. Representative Mike Turner, ranking member of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, today issued the following statement in response to reports of another North Korea missile launch:

Rep. Turner's appearance on "This Week in Defense News" discussing the Obama Administration's plan to shelve the European Ballistic Missile Defense shield.

On Friday, September 25, 2009, Rep. Turner hosted the Republican hour on the House floor focusing on missile defense. This video features his opening and closing remarks.

Rep. Turner appears on CSPAN's "Newsmakers" opposing the Obama Administration's decision to abandon the planned European-based missile defense system.

Congressman Turner on Secure Freedom Radio
Speaking on July 28th to Frank Gaffney of Secure Fredom Radio about my recent trip to Afghanistan, missile defense and nuclear weapons.


Congressman Turner on Secure Freedom Radio
Mike Turner speaking on March 22nd to Frank Gaffney of Secure Fredom Radio about Nuclear deterrence and health care reform legislation.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
Mike Turner updates WHIO radio listeners on the U.S. missile defense shield in Poland and recent developments in Afghanistan.


Congressman Turner on WLW
Radio talk show host Bill Cunningham interviews Rep. Turner on the Obama Administration’s plan to abandon the European Ballistic Missile Defense system.


Congressman Turner on WBZI radio’s Bucks Braun Morning Show
On Wednesday, September 23, 2009, Congressman Mike Turner discussed a wide range of issues on the Bucks Braun program including the Obama Administration abandoning the European missile defense system.


Wright Patterson Air Force Base

At a recent meeting of the Downtown Dayton Kiwanis Club, Congressman Turner spoke about several topics including the importance of Wright Patterson Air Force Base to the Third District and the BRAC process.


Rep. Mike Turner questions Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the Administrations new Afghanistan strategy during a House Armed Services Committee hearing.

Tackling the Opium Trade is Key to Finishing the War in Afghanistan
Recent reports from U.S. military leaders in Afghanistan show American troops and technology are beginning to turn the tide in that conflict. Ongoing air strikes on terrorist targets using remote- piloted “drones” are having an effect as Afghan forces increasingly struggle to communicate with each other and villagers refuse to offer them places to hide.

Turner Blasts Administration on GITMO North Price Tag
U.S. Representative Mike Turner today called for the Obama Administration to present a detailed plan to Congress on the cost to modify the Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Illinois.

Congressman Turner on WHIO
Talking to WHIO listeners about the Afghanistan government’s decision to ban private security firms from their country, and how that decision will affect security there.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
Speaking on July 28th to WHIO listeners about the recent passage of the bill funding the soldiers serving in Afghanistan.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
Speaking on July 14th to WHIO listeners about my recent visit to the soldiers in Afghanistan.


Congressman Turner with Bucs Braun on WBZI
Mike Turner speaking from Afghanistan with WBZI's Bucs Braun during his recent trip to that country.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
Speaking on June 30th to WHIO listeners about the appointment of General Petraeus as the new commander in Afghanistan.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
On Wednesday, December 9th, Mike Turner updates WHIO-AM morning drive listeners on President Obama's plan for the war in Afghanistan.


Congressman Turner on 55KRC with Brian Thomas
On Thursday, November 19, Congressman Turner commented on the Obama Administration’s decision to try the five terrorist charged with masterminding the September 11th attacks in federal civilian court.


Congressman Turner on WHIO
On Wednesday, October 7, Rep. Turner updated WHIO radio’s morning news listeners on the latest developments in Afghanistan and efforts to protect America’s missile defense system.


House Armed Services Committee

House Passed NDAA Contains a Number of Provisions for the Third District
As a member of the House Armed Services Committee I had the opportunity to work on behalf of the Third District and included a number of provisions in this annual bill which will aid our community and our Defense Department.

Turner Opening Statement for Strategic Forces Subcommittee Markup of National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, today released the following opening statement for the subcommittee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012:

Questioning Secretary Gates on Military Options in Libya

Turner Opening Statement for Hearing on National Security Space Activities
Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, released the following opening statement in conjunction with the subcommittee’s hearing on the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget request for national security space activities:

Turner Opening Statement for Hearing on U.S. Strategic Forces
U.S. Congressman Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, released the following opening statement in conjunction with the subcommittee’s hearing on the status of the nation’s strategic forces:

Turner Questions Air Force Chief of Staff on ECSS
Emphasizing the important role that ECSS plays in the current Defense efficiencies plan, Turner asked General Schwartz specifically about the status of the program, as well as the timelines for completion of the CCR.

Mike Turner Outlines Priorities for House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee
At a pen and pad session with the media, Turner stressed the need for continued bipartisanship in pursuing robust missile defense capabilities, modernizing our nuclear weapons, and finding measured solutions for cost efficiencies and savings in our defense budget.

Rep. Turner Calls for Defense Department to Complete Evaluation of the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle
Congressman Mike Turner called on Defense Secretary Robert Gates to evaluate the results of the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle’s (EFV) testing program before determining whether to cancel the program.

My speech on the floor of the house about the National Defense Authorization Act and they way it was pushed through the House of Representatives.

Turner Provisions in National Defense Authorization Act Will Advance Wright Patterson Missions and Dayton Regional Economy
Several provisions included by Congressman Mike Turner in the FY2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) approved today by the House of Representatives will strengthen key installations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and help support Dayton’s regional economy.

Rep. Turner Named Chairman of House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon has named Rep. Mike Turner Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Rep. Turner announced today. The panel has significant power to support and enhance Southwest Ohio’s economic vitality.

Mike Turner's Floor Statement regarding the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011

My opening remarks for the mark-up of the National Defense Authorization Act.

For those who would like some clarification: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sets the budget and policy parameters for the Department of Defense. The drafting of this legislation in the House Armed Services Committee, commonly known as the mark-up, involves adding amendments to the draft provided by the Chairman of the committee known as the Chairman's mark, or just the mark. Once all amendments to the mark have been debated and voted on, the Committee will pass the legislation and committee report to be considered and voted on by the full House of Representatives.

Turner Floor Statement of the National Defense Authorization Act
U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, the top Republican on the Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, released the following prepared remarks for Floor consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2011:

Turner Opening Statement for the Full Committee Markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
Mike Turner, the top Republican on the Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, released the following prepared remarks for the committee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011:

Turner Opening Statement for Strategic Forces Subcommittee Markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
Mike Turner, the top Republican on the Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, released the following prepared remarks for the subcommittee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011:

Turner’s Statement on the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request for Defense Related Agencies
U.S. Representative Mike Turner, the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, today issued the following statement on the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget request for the Department of Defense and Missile Defense related programs

Congress Must Act to Protect Key Provisions of the Patriot Act
Much of the success we’ve had in combating terrorism over the last eight years has been due to key improvements in laws that have allowed investigators and prosecutors to share vital information about terrorist plots that threaten our national security.

Turner Statement on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
Rep. Michael Turner, the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, today released the following prepared remarks for House consideration of H.R. 2647, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010:

Missile Defense Press Releases

Turner Opening Statement for Subcommittee Markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
Although I am concerned with the top-line cut to missile defense, I am deeply concerned about the specific cuts to our national missile defense system. These include the 35-percent cut to the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system in Alaska and California, and the Administration’s decision to: