Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 10th District

Mike on the Economy

The Federal Budget

Click here for more about Mike's position on the Federal Budget
Including his column about how reckless government spending threatens America’s future


Click here for more about Mike's position on Job Creation

The TARP (Toxic Asset Relief Program)

Click here for more about Mike's position on the TARP
Including him questioning Interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability Neel Kashkari about the federal governments bailouts of AIG.

The Economic Stimulus

Click here for more about Mike's position on the Economic Stimulus
Including him questioning Earl E. Devaney, Chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board about waste, fraud and mismanagement of the government stimulus spending.

The Cap and Trade Bill

Click here for more about Mike's position on the Cap and Trade Bill
Including his statement in opposition to the Waxman–Markey Climate Cap & Trade Bill (HR 2454)

Delphi Pensions

Click here for more about how Mike is working to restore pensions for Delphi retirees

Mike Turner's Preserving Capitalism in America Amendment

Click here for more about Mike's Constitutional Amendment "Preserving Capitalism in America"
Including his discussion about the amendment with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke