Office of Program Performance Program Quality Visit (PQV) Reports 2012

All documents, unless otherwise noted, are available as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, which may be viewed with a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Visit Date(s) Title

January 23-27, 2012

North Mississippi Rural Legal Services PQV Report

Comments of North Mississippi Rural Legal Services

January 30-February 9, 2012

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid  PQV Report

Comments of Texas RioGrande Legal Aid

March 26-28, 2012

Choctaw Legal Defense PQV Report

March 26-30, 2012

Ocean-Monmouth Legal Services PQV Report

Comments of Ocean-Monmouth Legal Services

April 9-13, 2012

Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association PQV Report

Comments of Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association

April 16-20, 2012

Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. PQV Report

Comments of Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc.

April 23-27, 2012

Nevada Legal Services PQV Report

Comments of Nevada Legal Services

May 7-11, 2012

Community Legal Aid Services, Inc. PQV Report

May 7-11, 2012

Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota PQV Report

Comments of Legal Aid Services of Northeastern Minnesota

June 4-8, 2012

Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. PQV Report

Comments of Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc.

June 4-13, 2012

Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc. PQV Report

June 18-22, 2012

Legal Services Law Line of Vermont, Inc. PQV Report

Comments of Legal Services of Law Line of Vermont, Inc.

September 10-14, 2012

East River Legal Services PQV Report

Comments of East River Legal Services