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NWC B-roll thumbnail

National Weather Center

HWT B-roll thumbnail

NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed and Spring Experiment

SPC B-roll thumbnail

NOAA Storm Prediction Center

WFO B-roll thumbnail

NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Office (Norman, OK)

Dual Pol B-roll thumbnail

Dual-Polarization Radar Technology B-Roll

Dual Polarization Schlatter Interview B-roll thumbnail

Dual-Polarization Technology Interview: Paul Schlatter

VORTEX2 2010 B-roll thumbnail

VORTEX2 2010

V2 2009 June 5 Tornado B-roll thumbnail

VORTEX2 2009 June 5 Tornado

V2 Media Day B-roll thumbnail

VORTEX2 2009 Media Day

TELEX preview thumbnail

Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX)

For additional information about NOAA Weather Partners B-Roll, contact James Murnan at (405) 325-6970.